Below are the instructions for building docker

In the shell go to the location where the java project is been present cd /Users/bapatil/Documents/workspace-sts-3.8.4.RELEASE/drone

Execute below commands for building docker image and running the image

docker build --help docker build -f Dockerfile -t dronedocker . docker images

For pushing the image to docker hub which is publicly available docker login basanagowda passwordofdocker docker tag dronedocker basanagowda/dronedocker docker push basanagowda/dronedocker

For running Docker which will create container docker run -p 8080:8080 dronedocker

docker ps docker stop b13ada0b16f3

Docker file will look as below

FROM openjdk:8

Set the jar file name variable. Update this to change the app name used.

ENV JARFILE drone-0.0.1.jar

Add the application binary to the docker image

ADD target/$JARFILE /tmp/$JARFILE RUN chmod 755 /tmp/$JARFILE

Execute Application

#RUN sh -c 'touch /app.jar' ENV JAVA_OPTS=""

ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /tmp/$JARFILE" ]

Now we will see how can we integrate with Drone for CI

For Drone to work we have to configure our github account and our application. Presently we are using the drone running in docker instance Need to configure oauth settings in github

If the IP is getting changes then we should make the corresponding change in github. Then only we will be able to access the drone.