
This legacy MVC application is build with ASP.NET 4.7.2. Follow the steps below to port this application to .NET5.0.


Portability analyzers

Optionally, you can use of the following portability analyzers before you start the upgrade. These tools will analyze assemblies and provides a detailed report about the impact of porting application to specified .NET platform(s).


For non-web application, you can use the try-convert tool. This tool will try to migrate your .NET Framework project. Find more info here. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for web application like the eShopLegacyMVC project.

Create wwwroot folder

  • Move Content to wwwroot/css/
  • Move Scripts to wwwroot/scripts/
  • Move Pics to wwwroot/pics/
  • Move fonts to wwwroot/fonts/
  • Move Images to wwwroot/images/
  • Move favicon.ico to wwwroot

Migrate packages.config

The migration tool doesn't support ASP.NET projects. However, there is a work around. Update the .csproj like is mentioned in the comment before continue.

  • Migrate packages.config to PackageReference. Follow the steps in this tutorial. The packages.config will be removed automatically.

If it doesn't work for you find the upgraded .csproj [here](TODO: link to upgraded project).

Manually modifications

The migrate tool is of course not a magically tool that will do all work. There will still be things you'll need to do manually. Remove the following legacy packages (either not compatible with NET5.0 or just legacy packages).

Remove packages from .csproj

  • Antlr
  • All Autofac.* packages. We can use Microsoft's built-in dependency injection
  • bootstrap
  • All jQuery.* packages
  • log4net
  • Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Agent.Intercept
  • All Microsoft.AspNet.* packages
  • Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
  • Microsoft.Net.Compilers
  • Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure
  • Modernizr
  • popper.js
  • response
  • WebGrease


  • EntityFramework with Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore version 5.0.2

Upgrade versions

  • System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource and System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter to 5.0.1
  • System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter to 5.0.0
  • System.Buffers to 4.5.1
  • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe to 5.0.0


  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer version 5.0.2
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design version 5.0.2

Clean up .csproj

Find upgraded .csproj [here](TODO: link to upgraded project).

Migrate Global.asax

  • Create Program.cs
  • Create Startup.cs

Follow steps here

Remove files

  • AssemblyInfo.cs
  • web.config
    • if you are running .NET Core app in IIS you will need to keep web.config and migrate.
  • Global.asax
  • ApplicationInsights.config
  • App.config

Static files

Follow steps here.


Read about configurations here.

  • Create appsettings.json manually or in VS choose App Settings File in Add new Item dialog
  • Create ConnectionStrings with DefaultConnection. Get connection string from web.config
  • Move settings (UseMockData and UseCustomizationData) to appsettings.json Create parent element DataSettings
  • Learn how to work with options here

App_Start migration

  • BundleConfig.cs
    • Install BuildBundlerMinifier NuGet package
    • Create bundleconfig.json in root
    • Create one bundle for styles and one for scripts
    • Follow tutorial here
    • Remove BundleConfig.cs
  • Remove FilterConfig.cs
  • Remove RouteConfig.cs
  • Remove WebApiConfig.cs
  • Update script and style references in MVC views

MVC Controllers

  • Update namespaces in controllers
  • HttpNotFound => NotFound
  • new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); => BadRequest()
  • Remove the Include property
  • this.Request.Url.Scheme to this.Request.Scheme
  • Inject IWebHostEnvironment in controller and use instead of Server.MapPath

Action/ Partial to Component

Learn about components here

  • Change CatalogStatisticsController to a ViewComponent. Call component in razor view (Views/Catalog/Index.cshtml)
  • Change Html.Partial to Html.PartialAsync

Migrate ASP.NET Web API to ASP.NET Core

Read more here


  • services.AddSession() call in Startup.cs
  • app.UseSession() call in Startup.cs
  • Use Context.Session instead of HttpContext.Current.Session

Dependency injection

  • Move ApplicationModule registrations to Startup.cs
  • Remove ApplicationModule class

Read more here


We will use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging abstraction and install log4net provider.

  • Install Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net.AspNetCore package
  • Follow steps here
  • Update CatalogController and PicController and inject ILogger<> logger instead of using log4net directly

Read more about Microsoft.Extensions.Logging here


  • Configure EntityFramework in Startup.cs
  • Update CatalogDBContext
  • Change CatalogDBInitializer
    • Remove CreateDatabaseIfNotExists
    • Make Seed public method and call in Startup.cs
      using var scope = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope();
      using var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<CatalogDBContext>();
      new CatalogDBInitializer(env, scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<DataSettings>()).Seed(context);
  • Update CatalogService


If all compile errors have been fixed add a migration to set up the database.

  • dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate


  • Verify if everything work as expected
  • If you run the application and get a 404 make sure that there is default route configured


Follow the Blazor tutorial.

  • TODO: more documentation here
  • Use Blazor instead of MVC