
Exel Montessori de Pototan Enrollment System

v1.0.2 -Implemented proper School Year input based on the Current Year -Implemented Encoding of Total Matriculation -Implemented Printing of Receipt in Accountant -Changed First Name to Last Name in Student ID/Priority Number Tickets -Implemented Exporting to Excel -Separated Home Address to three parts -Fixed Displaying of Payment Updates

v1.0.1 -Fixed Log-in Crash bug -Fixed Registration Form clearing when done submitting data -Fixed proper submission of characters and formatting in the server -Fixed proper sending of Date of Birth -Fixed re-enrollment of student -Separated Database for Cashier/Accountant and Registrar

v1.0.0 -Implemented Search Functionality in Registrar -Implemented Calculation of Student's Balance -Implemented Total fees to be paid by the Student -Implemented the Total Payment of the Student -Implemented Students List by Grade -Implemented Printing Functionality -Implemented viewing of student information in Registrar -Fixed clearing of All boxes in Accountant -Changed searching of students by lastname only -Fixed showing of student's balance in Registrar -Fixed showing of Student's Queue ID and Student ID when Registered/Enrolled


Changes PHP/JSON Implementation for the Database API Fixes