- Flask based web application to take attendance using face recognition.
- Provide two types of accounts: Students and Faculty.
- Faculties can train face recognition model on added photos by students, add lectures, take attendance by turn on camera, see and download the attendance, etc.
- Students can add their photos and see their attendance.
- This article desribes details of face recognition implementation and results of this project.
Compatible Python Version = 3.6.9
- Create virtual environment
python3.6 -m venv attendance-env
- Activate virtual environment
source attendance-env/bin/activate
- Upgrade Pip (because many a times pip version installed in old version (9.0.1), which sholud upgraded to latest version (20+))
pip install --upgrade pip
- Install necessary requirements/libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run flask app
python3 run.py
This will take 20-30 seconds to load pretrained models and finally give localhost url to run flask application. Then open that url (i.e. -
By clicking url following home screen should be displayed.