
Scraping HIDIVE Anime Television titles


Collecting Anime listings from various platforms

I currently have a tableau dashboard located here. This dashboard is an exploratory view of top ranked and popular anime titles based primarily on data from http://myanimelist.net. The purpose of this dashboard is to assist the end-user in locating their next anime to watch. However, what is lacking from this tool is the streaming platform that currently houses the titles.

To add that information into the dashboard, I will need to either locate, or scrape the anime titles that are housed on various platforms.

The most popular platforms for viewing anime titles are:

  • Crunchyroll
  • Funimation
  • Netflix
  • Hulu
  • Amazon Prime

This list is not all-inclusive and in no particular order.

First things first - setting some variables

Set your working directory to wherever you’d like in the WORKINDIRECTORY section.


Install and load any libraries

The tidyverse contains the rvest library which will be used to scrape the data, while dplyr and tidyr will be used to manipulate/transform data.


Next, we want to load three libraries:


Although rvest is a component of the tidyverse, it doesn’t automatically load with the library call tidyverse, as a result, you’ll need to load it separately. The library textutils will allow you to decode html special characters into their expected values.

Lets start with HIDIVE:

Scraping HIDIVE Anime TV Listings

This is one of the large streaming platforms that I will be scraping as an add-on to my anime suggestion tableau dashboard. Thankfully, HIDIVE has a listing of all of their titles on a webpage at: https://www.hidive.com/tv.

Scraping the HIDIVE Title List

HIDIVE <- read_html('https://www.hidive.com/tv')

title_bucket <- HIDIVE %>%
    html_element(xpath = '/html/body/div[1]/div')

The code above isolates the bucket where I want to pull of my information from.

When reviewing the HTML code on the page, it appears that the titles for the anime can be found between H2 headers, images can be found within default-img divs, and date information can be found within cell divs.

Lets grab that data:

anime_title <- title_bucket %>%
  html_elements('h2') %>%
  html_text(trim = TRUE)

anime_premiere <- title_bucket %>%
  html_elements('div.cell') %>%

anime_release <- title_bucket %>%
  html_elements('div.cell') %>%

anime_nextair <- title_bucket %>%
  html_elements('div.cell') %>%

anime_img <-  title_bucket %>%
  html_elements('div.default-img') %>%
  html_elements('img') %>%

Now, there are also badges on each of the tiles for the anime that contain whether or not the anime is exclusive to HIDIVE or is dubbed. I also want to grab that information.

However, there aren’t consistent div containers that will allow me to align the badge attributes with the title. For that reason, I will select all of the overall buckets for the titles that are housed within cell divs, then run a for loop to see if there are badges within those buckets.

anime_cell <- title_bucket %>%

anime_badge <- c()

for (item in anime_cell){
   rowVal <- item %>%
     html_elements('div.top-badge') %>%
     html_text(trim = TRUE)
   if (identical(rowVal, character(0))){
     rowVal <- NA
   anime_badge <- append(anime_badge, rowVal)

Lets check the length of all the items and see if we can throw them together

## [1] 436
## [1] 436
## [1] 436
## [1] 436
## [1] 436
## [1] 436

They are all the same length, so I can combine and export them in the next step


Lets make it a dataframe and export the table

hidive_data <- data.frame(anime_title = anime_title, anime_premiere = anime_premiere, anime_release = anime_release, anime_nextair = anime_nextair, anime_img = anime_img, anime_badge = anime_badge)
anime_title anime_premiere anime_release anime_nextair anime_img anime_badge
100 Sleeping Princes & the Kingdom of Dreams 7/5/2018 12:00:00 AM 7/5/2018 12:00:00 AM //static.hidive.com/titles/OSP/OSP_01_MASTER_300x169.jpg Exclusive
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar 10/2/2001 12:00:00 AM 10/2/2001 12:00:00 AM //static.hidive.com/titles/LSF/LSF_01_MASTER_300x169.jpg Dubbed
Action Heroine Cheer Fruits 7/6/2017 12:00:00 AM 7/6/2017 5:00:00 PM //static.hidive.com/titles/ACF/action-heroine-cheer-fruits_ACF_MASTER_300x169.jpg NA
After the Rain 1/12/2018 12:00:00 AM 3/31/2021 1:00:00 PM //static.hidive.com/titles/ATR/after-the-rain_ATR_01_MASTER_300x169.jpg Dubbed
Ahiru no Sora 10/2/2019 12:00:00 AM 9/30/2019 5:00:00 PM //static.hidive.com/titles/ANS/ahiru-no-sora_ANS_01_MASTER_300x169_01.jpg Dubbed
Akame ga Kill! 7/6/2014 12:00:00 AM 7/6/2014 12:00:00 PM //static.hidive.com/titles/AGK/AGK_MASTER_300x169.jpg Dubbed
write.csv(hidive_data, 'hidivetitles.csv', row.names = FALSE)