Converts popular image formats into a terminal-compatible low-resolution replica, the output of which can be printed directly to the terminal. I have previously used it to print out an embedded company logo within proprietary software on startup.
Will default image output width to approximately three quarters the width of the terminal by default.
Image goes in - Ansii art comes out ( linux shell art! )
const { toAnsii } = require('terminal-art');
// Default uses 75% of the current terminal width.
From Buffer + size stipulation
const ansii = await terminalArt.toAnsii(
maxCharWidth: 100,
mimeType: 'image/png'
Pre-compile, save for later
// Render once, save for later, print any time.
toAnsii('/path/to/img').then(text => toFile('./save-for-later.txt', text));
// Two hours later
const compiledAnsiiImage = await fromFile('./save-for-later.txt');
GIFS? (experimental)
const { toAnsiiFrames } = require('./index.js');
async function animate(path) {
const frames = await toAnsiiFrames(path);
const cls = "\033[2J"; // clear screen
const wait = (ms) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
for (let frame of frames) {
console.log(cls + frame);
await wait(100); // 100ms between frames
Extracts colour information from given image and returns a lower-resolution ansii representation in string format
filePath | imageBuffer
- for your desired imageoptions
[default=(process.stdout.columns * 0.75)] - Appropximate width of terminal in characters (dictates image size/resolution)mimeType
- Required for image buffers
Extracts colour information from given image/gif and returns an array of lower-resolution ansii representation in string format
filePath | imageBuffer
- for your desired imageoptions
[default=(process.stdout.columns * 0.75)] - Appropximate width of terminal in characters (dictates image size/resolution)mimeType
- Required for image buffers