
Image Classifier using SVM

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



  • Image we give to the UI gets sent to the back end that is the flask server where our function "classify_image" uses our saved ML pickle model from artifacts folder.
  • Model trained using Support Vector Classifier.
  • Image changed to a base 64 encoded string and then the base64 encoded string is converted into a cv2 image using numpy and cv2's imdecode function.
  • Now the cv2 image can be easily used to run the haar cascade module of openCV to detect face and eyes.
  • If the image has a clear face with a set of 2 eyes, we generate a cropped image of the face which is our region of interest.
  • We will use cropped image and apply wavelet transform to extract meaning features that can help with image identification.
  • The wavelet transform image and raw pixel image is vertically stacked and the combined image is used to classify the image.

image image

Future Scope/ Way Forward:

  • use deep learning algorithms like CNN or GAN for better accuracy
  • Increase the dataset toy improve the usability of the model.
  • Improve the UI
  • Host/Deploy on Heroku or other online platforms