
Automatically rerelease builds using App Center and an Azure Function.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting Started

  1. Install the latest Azure Functions CLI on your system.

npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@core

  1. Link the project to your subscription before running by navigating to the Azure portal, creating a new Function called RereleaseTimer underneath a subscription and running the command below to link the two.

func azure functionapp fetch-app-settings RereleaseTimer

  1. Update APP_CENTER_TOKEN in local.settings.json with a valid App Center API token.

  2. Update the config.json file in the RereleaseTimer folder.

  "owner": "Tester-Apps",
  "app": "AC-Tester-App-iOS",
  “source”: “Alpha Testers”,
  “installs”: 1,
  “sessions”: 1,
  “crashes”: 0,
  “destination”: “Beta Testers”	
  "type": "group" OR "store"
  • owner and app properties can be found by navigating to any of the apps attached to your account in App Center and looking at the address bar.
  • source and destination properties are reserved for the distribution groups you wish to move a release between.
  • type specifies the type of destination you want to automatically redistribute releases to.
  • installs are the total number of devices on the latest release
  • sessions are the number of devices that have used the latest version for longer than a minute
  • crashes represents the total number of crash events App Center has received.

If at any point the latest release within a source group meets all its criteria, it will automatically be distributed to the destination.

  1. Run the Azure Function locally to verify releases are being processed correctly.

func host start –-debug vscode


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