
Reproduction repo for PRs/issues with Banzai Cloud's bank-vaults

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Reproduction repo for PRs/issues with Banzai Cloud's bank-vaults


Reproducing feature in PR 1651

This repo deploys a Vault object in a local Kubernetes instance that leverages the feature introduced in bank-vaults PR 1651 to use placeholders for mount accessor ids in templated policies.

  • Go to the directory where the patoarvizu/bank-vaults clone is, and checkout the parameterize-mount-accessor branch.
  • Run DOCKER_REGISTRY=patoarvizu DOCKER_TAG=latest make docker.
  • Set KUBECONFIG to a k3d-specific file, to avoid having your default configuration or default Kubernetes edited by accident, e.g. export KUBECONFIG=~/.k3d/k3s-default-config.
  • Run make start, wait for all charts to finish installing.
    • This installs the following:
      • The bank-vaults operator.
      • A Vault instance with pre-configured roles, a templated policy, and startup secrets.
      • A cert-manager instance.
      • The vault-secrets-webhook.
      • Demo cronjobs running workloads on different namespaces that echo secrets injected by the vault-secrets-webhook, fetched from prefixed that they should/shouldn't have access to.
  • Run export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200.
  • Run export VAULT_TOKEN=$(make get-root-token).
  • Run vault policy read templated.
    • It should display the something like the following, with the correct interpolation of the ${ accessor ... } placeholder defined in the Vault object:
path "secret/data/{{identity.entity.aliases.auth_kubernetes_abcd1234.metadata.service_account_namespace}}" {
  capabilities = ["read"]
  • Inspect the workloads in the repro-ns1 namespace, i.e. kubectl -n repro-ns1 get pods. If you don't see any pods yet, wait up to one minute until Kubernetes schedules the next cronjob run.
  • You'll see you'll have one pod called something like echo-secret-found-01234567--1-abcde in Completed status, and another one called echo-secret-not-found-76543210--1-edcba in either Error or CrashLoopBackOff status.
  • Inspect the logs of the echo-secret-found pod with kubectl -n repro-ns1 logs -l secret=found.
    • You should see a line that says Found secret foo at secret/data/repro-ns1.
  • Inspect the logs of the echo-secret-not-found pod with kubectl -n repro-ns1 logs -l secret=not-found.
    • You should see a line with an error that says failed to inject secrets from vault: failed to read secret from path: secret/data/repro-ns2: Error making API request.\n\nURL: GET http://vault.vault:8200/v1/secret/data/repro-ns2?version=-1\nCode: 403. Errors:\n\n* 1 error occurred:\n\t* permission denied\n\n".
  • Conversely, inspect the analogous workloads in the repro-ns2 namespaces, and you'll see that the pattern is the same, the secret-found pods could fetch secret bar from secret/data/repro-ns2, but the secret-not-found pods fail when trying to fetch secrets from secret/data/repro-ns1.