
Node.js memory cache with TTL

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Zero dependency Node.js memory cache with TTL

Load and cache lists on application launch with automatic update of cached data.

Usage example: when starting the application, all country codes and names are read from the database into the cache, so the country name can be easily and quickly retrieved. The country cache automatically updates its content at the specified interval (TTL).

oss-cache can handle multiple caches with different TTL, and data source.

Install: npm i @patoi/oss-cache


// creating a cache in the startup process
import Caches from '@patoi/oss-cache'
await Caches.create({
  name: 'cacheTest',
  ttl: 5555,
  asyncLoadFunction: async function () {
    let _map = new Map()
    _map.set('key', 'value')
    return _map
  // optional: listening and logging cache events


// using cacheTest cache somewhere in your app
import Caches from '@patoi/oss-cache'
const cacheTest = Caches.get('cacheTest')
const value = cacheTest.get('key')


// destroy a specific cache, or ...
// destroy all cache, before process exit in shutdown sequence
  • name: cache name
  • ttl (time-to-live): cache eviction time in millisecond, when it expires, the cache will be refreshed
  • asyncLoadFunction: cache data loader, async function, must return a JavaScript Map object
  • logEmmiter: optional, listener of the cache log events

Other features

Programmatically triggered cache refresh

await cacheTest.refresh()

Reading outdated cache: you may get old data, so it is not safe.

const cacheValue = cacheTest.getUnsafe(key)
// value of the key
// isOutdated boolean, if true, then the data is outdated

The cache may become stale if the asyncLoadFunction throws an error, or if the cache is being destroyed.

If the cache reaches its TTL time and is refreshed again, the result of running asyncLoadFunction will be whether the cache is stale or not.

Best practices

  1. Check if the cache exists before using it.
// using cacheTest cache
const cacheTest = Caches.get('cacheTest')
if (!cacheTest) throw new Error('Missing cache!')
const value = cacheTest.get('key')
  1. Check the returned value exists
const value = cacheTest.get('unknown_key')
if (value === undefined) { // handling undefined value }
  1. Handle when cache data is out of date
try {
  // outdated cache reading throws an error
  const value = cacheTest.get(key)
} catch (error) {
  // error.message: 'Cache is outdated.'
  // error.code: 'ERR_CACHE_OUT_OF_DATE'

You can use getUnsafe(key) method, it doesn't throw error if cache is outdated.

  // outdated cache reading doesn't throw an error
  const cacheValue = cacheTest.getUnsafe(key)
  // if you want to handling fresh or outdated cases...
  if (cacheValue.isOutdated) {
    console.log('Outdated value:', cacheValue.value)
  } else {
    console.log('Fresh value:', cacheValue.value)
  1. Logging cache events, highly recommended: 'cache:log:warn' event
import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'
import Caches from './lib/index.js'

// cache events logger
const logEmitter = new EventEmitter()

// cache warn event, for example: cache is outdated.
logEmitter.on('cache:log:warn', (name, message) =>
  console.log('Cache log warning', { name, message })

// cache data loading has started
logEmitter.on('cache:log:init:start', name =>
  console.log('Cache init started', { name })

// cache data loaded: runtime is the time of running of your cache initialization function (asyncLoadFunction)
logEmitter.on('cache:log:init:end', (name, runtime) =>
  console.log('Cache init end', { name, runtime })

// cache load event details
  (name, count, isForcedReload, lastLoadTimestamp, isExpired) => {
    console.log('map refreshed: ', {
    if (isExpired) {
      console.log('Cache expired, refresh')
    if (isForcedReload) {
      console.log('Cache explicit reload, refresh() called')

// programmatically forced cache refresh event
logEmitter.on('cache:log:refresh', (name, count, lastLoadTimestamp) =>
  console.log('Cache refresh', { name, count, lastLoadTimestamp })

// cache read by get()
logEmitter.on('cache:log:get', (name, key, value) =>
  console.log('get()', { name, key, value })

// cache read by getUnsafe()
logEmitter.on('cache:log:getUnsafe', (name, key, value) =>
  console.log('getUnsafe()', { name, key, value })
  1. Checkout example.js and index.spec.js for detailed using information.

  2. You can run example with node example.js or test pnpm i && pnpm test

  3. Promise.all([ createCache1, createCache2, ... ]) faster than waterfall calls.