
Python Code, shell scripts, templates, submission scripts and compchem specific workflows for use in the Paton Lab

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to RSPGROUP on SUMMIT: congratulations - your path is set-up correctly!

The following scripts are available:

  • qstat_summit (monitor disk usage, queue status and jobs)
  • qsub_summit (submit G16 and Orca jobs)
  • ncisub_summit (submit NCIPlot jobs)
  • qcosmo_summut (submit COSMO-RS jobs)
  • AutoPrep (create input files from existing output files)
  • RotMol (rotates molecules, creating new input files)

The following python modules are available (python -m module):

To activate a python environment where rdkit, openbabel etc are present:

  • source activate DL_CPU (this may require edits to your .condarc file - ask RSP if this is an issue)

The following software is available:

To see example usage: create a directory in your $PROJECTS folder and cd there, then type:

  • RUNTEST all This will submit several jobs. When finished, check they ran properly:


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        \/__/     \/__/         \/__/ \/__/        \/__/        \/__/        \/__/        \/__/    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ last update May 26 2021
  • REMINDER: NEW SSKY QUEUE: qsub_summit -p ssky-preemptable