"AP is not reporting statistics" / "unsupported item(s)" problem when AP have no clients
GMichu opened this issue · 6 comments
I'm using the UAP-AC-LR, UAP-nanoHD, U6-Pro access points.
When the device does not currently have any client connected, zabbix raises one of the problems:
AP has unsupported item(s).
AP AP is not reporting statistics
I believe it's due to preprocessing rule on "mca-dump" item:
Full error message:
{ "at":"11:11:41", "r":"validationError: .vap_table? != null and .radio_table != null and ( .radio_table | map(select(.athstats.cu_total>0)) | length>0 ) ", "device":"", "mcaDumpError":"Error" }
I would expect that the lack of connected clients would not cause a problem. In such case, it would be nice to still collect statistics on channel interference etc
Interesting.. I don't see the same issue on APs without clients here. Could you send the output of the mca-dump script?
Also are there any active radios on that AP?
Here is output of the script:
sudo -u zabbix ./mca-dump-short.sh -d -P 22 -u admin -i /etc/zabbix/ssh_keys/zb_id_rsa -t AP -o 20 -b { "at":"10:42:07", "r":"validationError: .vap_table? != null and .radio_table != null and ( .radio_table | map(select(.athstats.cu_total>0)) | length>0 ) ", "device":"", "mcaDumpError":"Error" }
Here is the dump of "output" variable https://github.com/patricegautier/unifiZabbix/blob/master/mca-dump-short.sh#L359
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Ok I see the problem..
Ok try the latest - lmk if it doesn't fix the issue..