- 1 fails on jq
#125 opened by zpolisensky - 17
Issues with U7 Pro Max
#124 opened by send2ali - 2
A Couple of Questions
#123 opened by stevefxp1 - 0
Various Device Timeouts
#117 opened by iTIcnIgno - 1
Use Zabbix Proxy
#114 opened by schelle85 - 8
UniFi AP Retries Stopped Working
#121 opened by jordanwmcdonald - 1
Unsupported Item?
#122 opened by stevefxp1 - 1
Not An Issue: Thank you
#116 opened by jordanwmcdonald - 9
Issue using SSH Passwords
#86 opened by jdeta - 3
Cannot SSH-COPY-ID to unifi device.
#115 opened by lslamp - 2
Monitoring WIFI clients stats ?
#111 opened by luponata - 6
Large spikes Channel Interference for U7 Pro
#113 opened by send2ali - 7
Monitoring an UDM from WAN side
#112 opened by IanICTSG - 2
Priv Key accessibility issue
#109 opened by heremansgeert - 2
- 20
Channel Utilization na
#106 opened by tp-edjunior - 5
#108 opened by andymarden - 2
Get Data from Protect
#107 opened by Erik477 - 3
- 5
Issue on new setup
#104 opened by athornfam2 - 0
Error while trying to update template
#103 opened by jluis2k10 - 2
- 6
"AP is not reporting statistics" / "unsupported item(s)" problem when AP have no clients
#100 opened by GMichu - 4
Support for Zabbix 6.4.0
#95 opened by UntestedEngineer - 1
Undocumented macro UNIFI_ALERT_LONG_PERIOD
#99 opened by GMichu - 9
mca-dump-short script issue
#96 opened by commando768594 - 0
Cannot access public key file
#97 opened by keprocs - 4
mca-dump-short script timeout on UDM-SE
#93 opened by Just-Insane - 7
Connecting to udm disables ssh keypairs
#92 opened by RemcoVroman - 3
mca script issues
#91 opened by RemcoVroman - 2
Shebang in
#89 opened by Uber1337NL - 2
- 13
- 1
.sh connect issues?
#85 opened by Rattleheadie - 4
How to Use Wifi Site?
#79 opened by DRK-Boll - 1
UXG Pro Support
#84 opened by gokou340 - 2
- 2
No new host can be created
#82 opened by Joshi-1337 - 3
Error on mca-dump-switch-discovery
#81 opened by kekko1485 - 9
Script will not work in Zabbix
#76 opened by DRK-Boll - 12
UDMB sporadic data after update to 1.3
#74 opened by pax0707 - 5
"[uname]" became not supported: Cannot access public key file /var/lib/zabbix/.ssh/zb_id_rsa/
#70 opened by justchil - 3
Macros not imported?
#77 opened by hellojoe88 - 6
Number of clients for APs?
#75 opened by hellojoe88 - 1
zabbix template import failure
#78 opened by SkorpionMB - 4
- 8
SERVER_DISCOVERY returns nothing
#72 opened by RainCaster - 1
Question about version support
#71 opened by greavette - 3
zabbix_proxy support
#69 opened by rmdevheart - 4