Framework to recreate the process to make shellcode

Recreate the structure from The Anatomy of an Exploit

  1. Target: target.cpp
clang++ -z execstack -fno-stack-protector -o target target.cpp
  1. C code for shellcode: shellcode.c
clang -Os -static -fno-stack-protector -o shellcode shellcode.c
  1. Inline asm shellcode: shellcode_asm.c
clang -o shellcode_asm shellcode_asm.c
  1. Shellcode in char buffer test: shellcode_test.c
clang -z execstack -fno-stack-protector -o shellcode_test shellcode_test.c
  1. Exploit framework: exploit.c
clang -o exploit exploit.c
  1. Pipe exploit output in as target input
./exploit | ./launch

Reverse shell C code

In one terminal:

nc -nvlp 4444

In another:

clang -o reverse_shellcode reverse_shellcode.c


  • strace
./exploit > file
strace -o strace.log ./launch < file
cat strace.log
  • gdb
./exploit > file
gdb -q ./launch
(gdb) r < file
  • objdump
objdump -d shellcode | grep -A 14 "<main>"