Python program to create vocalises MIDI files for vocal study.

###The use

$ python
Enter the first note in sequence:
Enter the last note in sequence:
Enter the first progression int the following format:
note/duration note/duration ...
C3/1 E3/1 G3/1 E3/1 C3/1
Enter file name:

The notes are symbolized by the tone and the octave. C3 represents the middle C, and C4 represents the next C in the keyboard.

Now you can execute the program with a configuration file. The file needs to have this format:


Execute like this;

python configurationfile

A sample configuration file was added (sample.cfg)


To this day, I haven't figured out yet how to automate dependencies in Python. I'm openning an issue to fix this.

#####MIDIUtil MIDIUtil is a pure Python library that allows one to write multi-track Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files from within Python programs. (...) (excerpt taken from MIDIUtil's home page,

To use it, you need only to download the tarball or ZIP file of the 0.89 version (not tested against others) and run python install (might need root access)

Then you're good to go!! Have fun!!

Any questions, you can email me at