Differentiable controlled differential equation solvers for PyTorch with GPU support and memory-efficient adjoint backpropagation.
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#53 opened by ayushpatnaikgit - 0
- 2
Masking Coefficients?
#51 opened by AshCher51 - 1
Prediction of irregular time series
#50 opened by NonoMalpi - 1
- 2
- 2
much slower when using torchsde as backend.
#47 opened by Fei-u - 3
- 1
- 0
- 1
Integration to pytorch lighting pipeline
#44 opened by Karlheinzniebuhr - 5
About how to use on seq2seq works
#39 opened by caisikai - 4
Comparison to alternative ODE models
#42 opened by denizetkar - 1
CDEs with Image Data
#41 opened by AshCher51 - 13
Consider opening a GH discussions
#37 opened by darleybarreto - 4
Online prediction tasks needs examples
#38 opened by denizetkar - 1
publish `torchcde` on PyPI
#29 opened by Zymrael - 4
Breaking install
#27 opened by howardjp - 0
Add log-ODE example.
#18 opened by patrick-kidger - 1 and torchsde
#26 opened by oizin - 3
- 2
generation example
#23 opened by xiaoiker - 1
Replace the fill-backwards, given missing data in the interpolations, with something better
#22 opened by patrick-kidger - 1
TupleControl + computed parameters
#21 opened by patrick-kidger - 1
Fix interpolation documentation
#17 opened by patrick-kidger - 7
- 1
Add Signatory as an optional dependency
#11 opened by patrick-kidger - 6
Time channel unaltered after interpolation and automatic padding when missing values
#20 opened by JoaquinGajardo - 0
Allow multiple channel-like dimensions?
#16 opened by patrick-kidger - 0
Allow tupled z0
#2 opened by patrick-kidger - 0
Natural cubic splines shouldn't fill in just the final value of a sequence, but all missing values at the end. (Same at the start.)
#14 opened by patrick-kidger - 2
Basic prediction problem.
#9 opened by andrewcztrack - 0
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Update README with references to causality-and-controls papers in the appropriate places.
#5 opened by patrick-kidger - 0
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Allow func-as-list and X-as-list
#4 opened by patrick-kidger - 0
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