
A work-in-progress CLI tool built in Rust to mimic the Symfony CLI binary

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Gitpod Ready-to-Code


Rymfony is a work-in-progress command-line tool to mimic the behavior of the Symfony CLI binary.


Download latest builds

The binary is built on every push to the main branch, if the binary can be built of course, and pushed to a dedicated server.

This allows you to test the latest version right away!

Here are the links to download them:

If you need more architectures and OSes, feel free to check the build.yaml Github Action and contribute for more!

Download on Linux

sudo curl -sSL https://files.pierstoval.com/rymfony/rymfony.ubuntu-latest?download -o /usr/bin/rymfony && sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/rymfony 

Download on MacOS

sudo curl -sSL https://files.pierstoval.com/rymfony/rymfony.macOS-latest?download -o /usr/bin/rymfony && sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/rymfony 

Download on Windows

With cmd (curl is needed):

curl -sSL https://files.pierstoval.com/rymfony/rymfony.windows-latest.exe?download -o rymfony.exe 

With Powershell:

Invoke-WebRequest https://files.pierstoval.com/rymfony/rymfony.windows-latest.exe?download -OutFile rymfony.exe

Then, add the rymfony.exe executable somewhere in your PATH.

Manual build

Make sure you have installed the Rust language and its package manager Cargo on your machine, and run cargo build --release.

The binary will be stored in ./target/release/rymfony, and you can use it.


Run rymfony help to see the list of available commands:

$ rymfony
rymfony 0.1.0-dev
Alex Rock <alex@orbitale.io>

A command-line tool to spawn a PHP server behind an HTTP FastCGI proxy,
inspired by Symfony CLI, but open-source.


    rymfony [FLAGS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -q, --quiet      Do not display any output. Has precedence over -v|--verbose
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Set the verbosity level. -v for debug, -vv for trace, -vvv to trace executed modules

    help            Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    new:symfony     Create a new Symfony project
    php:list        List all available PHP executables
    server:start    Runs an HTTP server
    stop            Stops a potentially running HTTP server

Note: For any command, you can use the -h|--help flag to display its details too. If you are familiar with the Symfony console component it is very much similar.


rymfony serve (or server:start)

This command allows you to run a web server, in foreground or background, and you can customize the port to listen to.

$ rymfony serve --help
Runs an HTTP server

    rymfony server:start [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -d, --daemon     Run the server in the background
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --document-root <document-root>    Project's document root
        --passthru <passthru>              The PHP script all requests will be passed to
        --port <port>                      The TCP port to listen to [default: 8000]

rymfony stop

If a server is running in the background running for the current project, it will be stopped.

Note that this is checked via a .pid file, containing the PID of the running server.

rymfony php:list

This will list all existing php binaries in your environment.

It will actually search in the PATH directories for any binary that matches some patterns like these:

  • On Windows:
    • php.exe
    • phpX.Y.exe
    • php-cgi.exe
    • phpX.Y-cgi.exe
    • php-cgiX.Y.exe
  • On other platforms:
    • php
    • phpX.Y
    • php-fpm
    • php-cgi
    • phpX.Y-fpm
    • phpX.Y-cgi
    • php-fpmX.Y
    • php-cgiX.Y

More locations for standard PHP installations that are searched can be found in binaries.rs.

ℹNote: if your PHP binary is not detected, please open an issue so we can add support for it!

Here is the output from an Ubuntu 20.04 machine:

$ rymfony php:list
| Version | PHP CLI         | PHP FPM              | PHP CGI | System |
| 7.4.11  | /usr/bin/php7.4 | /usr/sbin/php-fpm7.4 |         | *      |

Windows 10:

> rymfony php:list
| Version | PHP CLI              | PHP FPM | PHP CGI                  | System |
| 7.4.2   | E:\dev\php74\php.exe |         | E:\dev\php74\php-cgi.exe | *      |

macOS Catalina (using Homebrew):

$ rymfony php:list
| Version | PHP CLI                                       | PHP FPM                                  | PHP CGI                                           | System |
| 5.5.5   | /usr/local/php5-5.5.5-20131020-222726/bin/php |                                          | /usr/local/php5-5.5.5-20131020-222726/bin/php-cgi |        |
| 7.3.11  | /usr/bin/php                                  | /usr/sbin/php-fpm                        |                                                   |        |
| 7.3.21  | /usr/local/Cellar/php@7.3/7.3.21/bin/php      |                                          | /usr/local/Cellar/php@7.3/7.3.21/bin/php-cgi      |        |
| 7.4.9   | /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.4.9/bin/php           | /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.4.9/sbin/php-fpm | /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.4.9/bin/php-cgi           | *      |


If you want to contribute to any of these points, feel free to do it!

  • 🟩 : Done
  • 🟨 : In progress (a PR should be linked)
  • 🟥 : Planned, but not started yet

To do (order of priority, done first):

  • Commands and command-line options
    • 🟩 Add a stop command.
    • 🟥 Create open:local command.
    • 🟥 Create server:logs command.
    • 🟥 Create server:list command.
    • 🟥 Create server:status command.
    • 🟥 Create php command (should use the configured PHP version).
    • 🟥 Create console command for Symfony (should use the configured PHP version, and be compatible with SF 2+).
    • 🟥 Create artisan command for Laravel (should use the configured PHP version).
    • 🟥 Propagate global app arguments so they can be used in subcommands (like rymfony serve -v, because if you want verbosity today, you need to pass the option before the subcommand, like this: rymfony -v serve). Maybe this can be in the clap crate itself (the CLI app package used by Rymfony).
  • Releases
    • 🟩 Publish nightly builds of the binary as artifacts by using Github Actions.
    • 🟩 Add support for verbosity levels in output logging, like -v, -vv, -vvv and -q.
    • 🟩 Add version hash to nightly builds.
    • 🟥 Publish releases of the binary as artifacts by using Github Actions. For now, only "nightly" builds are released.
  • HTTP server
    • 🟩 Make sure we can run a web server using Hyper and Tokio.
    • 🟩 Put the web-server execution in a separate serve.rs file.
    • 🟩 Execute the server in the background.
    • 🟩 Make sure the web server's IP and port can be customized through a --listen ip:port option.
    • 🟩 Once a "way to start PHP" is found (either via CGI on Windows, FPM on Linux, or PHP's native server for other cases), make sure we can start a background PHP process.
    • 🟩 Transform the standard web server into an HTTP proxy to PHP using a FastCGI client
    • 🟥 Make sure the server process is totally detached from the terminal in Windows. There are some issues about this, and it needs more investigation. Check this blog post section for more information.
    • 🟥 When the server is stopped (via Ctrl+C or via a panic), make sure PHP is stopped too.
    • 🟥 Allow listing running servers globally, without necessarily using a .pid file.
    • 🟥 Allow stopping a server globally, without necessarily using a .pid file.
    • 🟥 (possibly hard work) Find a way to force the entire request-response workflow to be streamed instead of buffered (will make better performances and memory usage)
  • PHP server
    • 🟩 Create a tool to discover the php binary if none of the two above are detected.
    • 🟩 Create a tool to discover the php-fpm binary if on Linux.
    • 🟩 Create a tool to discover the php-cgi binary (I'm developing on Windows and it is therefore easier).
    • 🟥 Properly search for PHP binaries in the current machine
      • 🟩 When searching for PHP binaries, be able to flag their type (native, cgi, fpm) and their version.
      • 🟩 Implement a way to retrieve the current PHP version based on the "System" PHP script
      • 🟥 Search for PHP binaries elsewhere than in PATH, such as with Homebrew or phpenv. This will need many checks about the "standard locations" where PHP can be found.
        • 🟩 Search in /usr/bin for most Ubuntu defaults
        • 🟩 Search in /usr/local/Cellar for most Homebrew defaults on Mac
        • 💡 Please suggest more places where PHP could be present!
      • 🟩 Flag the current path-based php script to check its version and mark it as "System" (just like in Symfony CLI)
      • 🟩 Store a list of all PHP binaries in ~/.rymfony/php_versions.json
      • 🟥 Deserialize the php-versions.json config file if it exists when using binaries::all() or binaries::current() to make the command faster
      • 🟥 Add an option to the php:list command such as --refresh that will make another lookup and save the ~/.rymfony/php-versions.json file again 😄
      • 🟥 Implement a way to retrieve the current PHP version based on a local .php-version file
    • 🟥 Allow passing environment variables to PHP via an -e|--env option.
    • 🟥 Allow passing a custom option to specify which method the user wants to use to start PHP (like --use-fpm or --use-native, something like that).
    • 🟥 (utopia) Support setups that have multiple PHP versions installed (such as on Ubuntu/Debian with deb-sury's repo, or with Homebrew on OSX), and allow customizing the version.
    • PHP Server
      • 🟥 Don't rewrite the fpm-conf.ini configuration file each time a server is launched.
      • 🟥 Find a way to differenciate servers configurations, in case multiple servers are started
  • Going way further
    • 🟥 (utopia) Detect whether the project uses Docker Compose
    • 🟥 (utopia) Be able to dynamically create environment variables for some common use-cases (database, redis, rabbitmq, mailcatcher).
  • Done (latest first):