
create ssh-keys automatically

Primary LanguageShell


  1. Creates an ssh keypair for you and puts it in ~/.ssh.

  2. Starts ssh agent.

  3. Adds keypair to keyring via ssh-add.


$> ssh-create derp
creating keypair for derp
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /home/USER/.ssh/derp.
Your public key has been saved in /home/USER/.ssh/derp.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|    OMITTED      |
Agent pid 2XXXX
Identity added: /home/USER/.ssh/derp (/home/USER/.ssh/derp)


Here is how to install these scripts on your computer.

$> install

copies ssh-create to ~/.local/bin/ssh-create

if ~/.local/bin/ssh-create is not in your path, add the following to the end of your .zshrc, or .bashrc, or whatever rc file you use.

echo 'PATH=~/.local/bin/ssh-create:$PATH' >> YOUR_RC_FILE_NAME && source YOUR_RC_FILE_NAME

echo 'PATH=~/.local/bin/ssh-create:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc

Creating a key

ssh-create mykey

Deleting a key

ssh-remove mykey

Adding a key to an SSH config

Add the following to the ~/.ssh/config file.

Host SERVER_NAME       <-- Insert your server name here (whatever you want to call it.)
    HostName SERVER_IP <-- Insert your server IP here
    User root
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mykey

Adding a key to a server

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/config/mykey SERVER_NAME

The server can now be SSH'ed into by name.


No key, username, or password necessary.

Starting an SSH Agent

The agent is a background process that possesses a keyring used to hold keys. These keys are used when SSHing into Servers soley by the servers name.

There are many ways to start an agent. A rudimentary way:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" &> /dev/null

Adding a key to an SSH Agent

In order for SSH to use a key when authenticating to a server, the key must exist on the SSH Agents keyring.

Add the following to ~/.zshrc, ~/.zshenv, or whichever shell specific file sourced in your terminal.

# After starting the agent, add the key to the agent's keyring.
ssh-add -q ~/.ssh/mykey