
Helm charts and tools to run Avalanche validator in k8s cluster

Primary LanguageShell

Running Avalanche Validator on Kubernetes

This project deploys Avalanche Validator into k8s cluster. It uses Prometheus operator for monitoring. For details see this Medium article


# clone project with submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/rovechkin1/avalanche-k8s

Clone submodules

# add submodules after regular clone
git submodule update --init --recursive

Install helm

brew install helm

Installing on GCP

Create cluster using cli

./deploy-cli.sh create-cluster cluster-1

Manually creating cluster

Use gcloud web console to create cluster

# Recommended k8s cluster:
# 1-2 Nodes
# Each node 1 CPU/4GB RAM
# Disk size 200GB
# approximate cost: $30/month for 1 node

# get k8s cluster credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --zone us-central1-c --project <project-name>

Install prometheus and avalanche node with a new staking key

./deploy-cli.sh deploy all

Obtain staking key from running node

./avax-cli.sh staking get ./staking.tgz

Keep it in a safe place in case node needs to be re-created.

Install prometheus and avalanche node with existing staking key

tar xvf staking.tgz
./deploy-cli.sh -k staking deploy all

Delete prometheus and avalanche

./deploy-cli.sh delete all


Update avalanche

Update values in kube-avax/values.yaml

./deploy-cli.sh update avalanche

Update dashboards

This creates or overwrites existing dashboards

./deploy-cli.sh deploy dashboards "node-monitoring/dashboards" <grafana-password>



./port-forward.sh grafana

Use browser on locahost:3000 user: admin password: prom-operator

See 'Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Pod -> avalalanche'

Grafana Alarms

Alarms can be be configured to post messages to telegram. To add this functionality after prometheus and grafana are deployed, follow these steps:

  1. Create telegram chat and obtain chat id using telegram web interface. Go to your channel and observe its url: https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=gXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX is the channel id
  2. Create telegram bot and obtain its api key from botfather in the form XXXXX:YYYYYYYYYYYY
  3. Configure telegram notification in grafana
./deploy-cli.sh create-alerts telegram <channel-id> <telegram-bot-api-key>
  1. Redeploy dashboards
./deploy-cli.sh deploy dashboards node-monitoring/dashboards
  1. Connect to grafana using port forward and test the alerts using
./port-forward.sh grafana


Connect to Avalanche Node Management Port

Via browser

./port-forward.sh avalanche

Via terminal

./avax-cli.sh exec
# 'exit' to exit

Configure prometheus repo

This step is optional unless installing prometheus from repo. For that need to change deploi-cli.sh::deploy_prometheus()

helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
helm repo update

Get all peers

curl  -X POST --data '{
    "id"     :1,
    "method" :"info.peers"
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'