
Send/Receive end-to-end encrypted messages on an ESP32

Primary LanguageC

A C client library for Matrix.org

This is a C library implementing a small portion of the Matrix.org Client-Server protocol. It can be used to connect to a Matrix server and send/receive (end-to-end encrypted) messages. The implementation is largely platform independant, apart from HTTP GET/PUT/POST methods which have to be implemented for each platform. An implementation for desktop systems based on CURL, as well as one for the ESP32 is included.


The library depends on the olm library for cryptography and mjson for reading and writing JSON data. If you want to use the CURL based version for desktop, you need libcurl. The current build.sh build file expects olm and mjson to be in c/ext, and libcurl to be installed on the host system.


The library itself is implemented in two files, matrix.h/.c, which can be found in c/src. Additionally, there are several files implementing the necessary HTTP methods. c/src/httpStruct.h contains the definitions that have to be implemented, and httpCurl.h/httpEsp32.h contain the specific implementations for those platforms. They include all the functions used to interface with a Matrix server. Currently the Matrix server is defined statically in matrix.h as MATRIX_SERVER.

Most functions take a HttpCallbacks pointer, as defined in httpStruct.h. This has to be initialized prior to calling any function that sends/receives data. When using CURL this looks like

#include <httpStruct.h>
#include <httpCurl.h>


CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();

HttpCallbacks http;
http.data = curl;
http.get = curlGet;
http.put = curlPut;
http.post = curlPost;

and for the ESP32 it looks like

#include <httpStruct.h>
#include <httpEsp32.h>


WiFiClientSecure *client = new WiFiClientSecure();

HttpCallbacks http;
http.data = client;
http.get = esp32Get;
http.put = esp32Put;
http.post = esp32Post;


delete client;

The functions themselves are documented in matrix.h. Below are examples for how to send and receive encrypted messages from a room whose RoomId is known. The usage roughly corresponds to the description in https://matrix.org/docs/guides/end-to-end-encryption-implementation-guide/. Additionally, c/src/main.c can be viewed as an example of how to do most things the library supports.

Sending encrypted messages

In order to send messages in a room configured to use encryption, proceed as follows:

  • set data in matrix.h
    • uToken: user token (see login)
    • uId: user id (@:, e.g. @pscho:matrix.org)
    • dId: device id (see login)
    • dKey: device key (see generating olm session)
  • initialize olm structs
    • OlmAccount *olmAcc = createOlmAccount(); (or load account using loadOlmAccount)
    • OlmSession *olmSess = olm_session(malloc(olm_session_size()));
    • OlmOutboundGroupSession *outboundGroupSess = olm_outbound_group_session(malloc olm_outbound_group_session_size()));
  • login
    • call login with username, password and any name for the new device
    • this returns a JSON object of the form { "access_token": "abc123", "device_id": "GHTYAJCE", "expires_in_ms": 60000, "refresh_token": "def456", "user_id": "@cheeky_monkey:matrix.org", "well_known": { "m.homeserver": { "base_url": "https://example.org" }, "m.identity_server": { "base_url": "https://id.example.org" } } }
    • access_token and device_id have to be copied into matrix.h
  • generate outbound megolm session
    • call initOutboundGroupSession
    • after using this session, save to a buffer using saveOutboundGroupSession and load the next time
    • also save/load OlmAccount (and OlmSession)
  • generate olm session from onetime key
    • select a device to send Megolm keys to. either select known device or list devices (see "list devices" in c/src/main.c)
    • claim a onetime key using claimOnetimeKey with the deviceId
    • get device key (see "list devices" c/src/main.c)
    • call createOlmSession with the onetime key
  • send m.room_key
    • get megolm session key size_t keyLen = olm_outbound_group_session_key_length(outboundGroupSess); uint8_t *key = (uint8_t *)malloc(keyLen); olm_outbound_group_session_key(outboundGroupSess, key, keyLen);
    • the next three steps can be accomplished by calling sendRoomKeyToDevice
    • create m.room_key using generateRoomKeyEvent
    • encrypt using createEncryptedOlmEvent
    • send to device using sendToDevice
  • send encrypted message
    • send message using sendGroupMsg

Receiving encrypted messages