Challenges instructions


  1. Fork this repo to your account
  2. Before you start making changes create a new develop branch (git checkout -b develop)
  3. Run yarn in your terminar in the root of this repo
  4. Modify the code ONLY in the sections flagged as // YOUR CODE HERE...

JavaScript Algorithms

In the file JS-Algorithms/challenges.js you will five different challenges, please complete them in order and don't skip any.

Each challenge offers an explanation of what you are supposed to do and an example of the expected output.

We encourage you to run the test suite when you think you're done with each challenge. For this section simply run yarn test JS-Algorithms from the root of this project and check in the results for the scenarios for the challenge you completed are succesful.

Once all challenges are solved, with their tests passings, create a Pull Request to merge your changes into master and add Fernando Juares (fhereduardo90) and me, Alexx Mata (AlexxMart) as reviewrs for your PR; also, post a link to your PR in the Nerdery channel in Slack so we know you're done.


In the directory Front-End you will find different directories, one for each challenge that you have to complete. Please complete them all in order modifying ONLY the JavaScript file in each directory.

Once you are done with all of the challenges, create a Pull Request to merge your changes into master and add Fernando Juares (fhereduardo90) and me, Alexx Mata (AlexxMart) as reviewrs for your PR; also, post a link to your PR in the Nerdery channel in Slack so we know you're done.