
Api Blog

This project is a challenge to create a REST-API using Express and Prisma ORM.

🔴 Live Demo:

Live Demo Link

🔨 Built with

  • Nodejs v14.17.6
  • Express
  • Typescript
  • Prisma
  • Postgres
  • Heroku
  • SendGrid
  • Swagger
  • Linters
  • Prettier
  • VS code

🔨 Tested with

  • npm run test
  • npm run test:coverage

👷 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone it using git command git clone <link>.
  2. Follow 'Setup' steps.

📝 Setup

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. On the terminal navigate to the project directory using cd REST-API-Nerdery-Challenge.
  3. Install dependencies using: npm install.
  4. Configure the environment


  1. Migrate the database: npx prisma migrate dev --name init.
  2. Migrate the database: npx prisma db seed.

📝 How to use the application?

  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory.
  2. Start the application : npm run dev.
  3. Open the browser and go to : http://localhost:3000/ to see the documentation
  4. Optional: use the live version link
  5. Import ApiBlog.postman_collection.json in postman
  6. Test the diferents endpoints.

👤 Authors

👤 Patrick Lazo

👤 Kenvin Cotrina