
🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Laravel Nova

Awesome Laravel Nova Awesome

🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Laravel Nova







  • Skeleton. A skeleton repository for Spatie's Nova Packages.

  • Tinker. Use the power of Tinker within your Nova application.

  • Backup. A Laravel Nova tool to backup your app.

  • Tail. A Laravel Nova tool to display the application log.

  • Cashier Manager. Managing Stripe subscriptions inside the incredible Laravel Nova admin panel.

  • Logs. A Laravel Nova tool to manage and keep track of each one of your logs files.

  • Links. Add custom links to your Nova sidebar.


  • Laravel Update. Check if you're running the latest Laravel version right from your Nova dashboard.

  • Package Discovery. Nova card for showing stats from novapackages.com

  • Custom Dashboard. A Laravel Nova dashboard card that allows you to build custom dashboards.

  • Cache. Manage your application's cache from a handy Laravel Nova dashboard card.

  • Nova Algolia Card. Get some insight on your Algolia indexing with this easy to use Nova card.

  • Nova Cloudflare Card. Purge your CloudFlare's cache in two clicks from a Laravel Nova dashboard card.


  • Nova Trumbowyg. Nova field that provides a Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor.