
Assignment 01 - Code Refactor for Horiseon Marketing Agency

Primary LanguageHTML



Assignment #01: Code Refactor for Horiseon Marketing Agency

The motivation behind this refactor was to update the Horiseon Marketing Agency website to follow modern accessibility standards and is optimized for search engines with semantic HTML.

In doing this excersise, the biggest takeaway was how to take a complex and seemingly overwhelming task and approach it in a targeted, step-by-step approach. Another key takeaway is that this refactoring is a common task for front-end and junior developers, so practicing this early will help build the skills to take on these kind of jobs in the industry.


Viewable in browser as files or live deployment at github.com (See below)


Github link: https://github.com/patrickbrown-io/01-Horiseon-refactor

Live Deployment: https://patrickbrown-io.github.io/01-Horiseon-refactor/

Screenshot `


Patrick Brown

Original code provided by Benjamin Machock and University of Denver's Full Stack Boot Camp


Semantic HTML & Modern Code Accessibility Standards