
A command line application for creating a team profile webpage

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Team Profile Generator- Homework 09


This application generates a custom team profile webpage based off user input; entered via command line prompt. This application uses Inquirer to serve questions, Node JS & its modules, and Jest for testing suites.

The created HTML uses modern Bootstrap styling.


  • To see the porfolio, visit my Github Repository

  • To install this app, clone the repository and npm i.


To run: 'node index.js'

After completing the prompts served to you, and selecting 'DONE' -- a generated HTML file will be placed in the OUTPUT directory. Screenshot of Generated Team Profile


Video walkthrough of working application: YouTube


Patrick Brown


  • Easy prompts for team members and information. Enter as many team members as needed, selecting DONE ends employee entry.
  • Automatic HTML file generation, output folder allows for easy retrieval
  • Automatic Bootstrap styling to generated HTML file
  • Clicking links to email or GitHub are automatically mapped and open in new tabs
  • A full testing suite

How to Contribute

Send me a message via GitHub and we can connect!