
Flutter project template using BLoC Architecture. Contains code to bootstrap routing and I18n

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Kit

This kit is a boilerplate for Flutter projects. It comes with a set of preconfigured features and utilities to help you get started with your project.


This kit comes with a set of preconfigured features and utilities:

  • I18n
  • Navigation (using auto_route)
  • State management (using BLoC & freezed)
  • Extensions (on context, iterable)
  • Utility widgets
  • Default Theming using Material 3

🗺️ I18n

This kit uses intl_utils for internationalization. To add a new language, add a new file to the src/core/i18n/l10n folder. The file name should be the language code prefixed with intl_ (e.g. intl_fr.arb).

To generate the code for the new language, run the following command:

flutter pub run intl_utils:generate

Alternatively, you can install the flutter_intl package in VSCode to automatically generate the code when you save the file.

🛣️ Navigation

This kit uses auto_route for navigation. To add a new route, add a new file to the src/core/routing/app_router.dart file.

See the auto_route documentation for more information.

🧱 State Management

This kit uses BLoC for state management. See the BLoC documentation for more information.

An example of a BLoC can be found in the src/features/home_screen/logic folder.

🗼 Extensions

This kit comes with a few extensions on the BuildContext and Iterable classes. See the src/shared/extensions folder for more information.

📌 Utility Widgets

This kit comes with a few utility widgets. See the src/shared/components folder for more information.

🖌️ Theming

This kit uses the new Material 3 theming system. See the src/core/theme folder for more information.

💼 Need a new feature?

If you need a new feature, please open an issue on the GitHub repository

📇 Get in touch

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Twitter