
Use Apache Kafka to store your program logs, replay and search them, all this live!

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Klever KLog

While developing a program, have you ever scrolled and scrolled through your progam output looking for a trace buried in hundreds of lines of log? If so, kleverklog is for you.

Klever KLog uses Apache Kafka to store your program log and provides a Kafka client to search, filter and navigate your logs.


To use Klever KLog, you need a Kafka server. It is easy to setup. You can run one locally, without root privileges. Just follow the quickstart instructions in the Kafka documentation.

Klever KLog supports Python logging and Twisted twisted.logger logging systems. Depending of which one you use, setup is slightly different.

If you use Python logging:

import logging
from kleverklog.python_logging import KafkaHandler

logger = logging.getLogger('your logger name')
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # or any other level you like
kh = KafkaHandler('localhost:9092')

If you are using twisted.logger:

from kleverklog.twisted_logger import KafkaLogService


Your program will now send its log entries to Kafka. To view them, start the log viewer in a terminal:

kleverklog all.json

Run your application. The logs should be displayed by Klever KLog, colored by log level.

In the Klever KLog viewer, you can give the following commands:

Set the match pattern to PATTERN. New log lines containing PATTERN will be highlighted.
Redisplay the last NN log lines, highlighting the ones matching the match pattern.
Redisplay the whole log, highlighting the lines matching the match pattern.
Pause the log display.
Resume the log display.
Quit Klever KLog