--------------------------   RUN   --------------------------------

make clean
make build
make run

-------------------------   SOLVE   -------------------------------

1.) dns request to obtain IP
2.) read command from keyboard
3.) match command with existing types
4.) sent request accordingly with command

Credentials life :
    - after a succesful login cookie is saved in "token"
    - after a succesful enter_library token is saved
          in "access_library_token"
    - after a succesful logout both "token" and
          "access_library_token" are destroyed

Checking if a user is authorized:
    - before each command check if credentials are set

Checking if a command fails :
    - each function returns a "status_sumary"
    - if "status_sumary" < 0 ==> failed

Logging error messages from server :
    - take response after each request
    - based on response status display response error message

--------------------   PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED   ------------------------

!! buffer_destroy() imported from skel code was never used, so each
time I was leaving a function with a nlohmann object inside it,
nlohmann's destructor failed and I received SEGFAULT .....
To solve it, I had to find the right place too call buffer_destroy();

----------------------------   INCLUDES   -----------------------------

nlohmann :                https://github.com/nlohmann/json

    - was eazy to find documentation : https://kezunlin.me/post/f3c3eb8/
    - still supported by comunnity
    - access fields as array/ map style

http_request_api :        https://ocw.cs.pub.ro/courses/pc/laboratoare/10