
A Cloud Guru: Introduction to Python Scripting https://learn.acloud.guru/course/introduction-to-python-scripting/overview

Primary LanguagePython

A Cloud Guru: Introduction to Python Scripting

Course Overview

This course provides an introduction to Python scripting. Learn the basics of Python programming and how to use it for scripting tasks.

Course Link: Introduction to Python Scripting

Lab: Drawing an ASCII Shape with Python

Lab Link: Drawing an ASCII Shape with Python

Task 1: Create an Executable File with the Python Interpreter Path Instruction

  1. Create a file called asciiShape.py:
    touch asciiShape.py
  2. Make it executable:
    chmod +x asciiShape.py
  3. Insert the instruction for the Python interpreter path at the beginning of the file:
    vim asciiShape.py

Task 2: Write Two "for" Loops to Draw a Pyramid

length = 10
astr = "*"
    for i in range(length):
        for j in range(length-i):
            print(" ", end='')
        astr += "**"

Task 3: Write a Loop to Draw an Upside-Down Pyramid

length -= 1
space = 1
astrNum = ((length*2)-1)
astr = "*" * astrNum
for i in range(length):
    print(" " + space * " " + astr)
    astrNum -= 2
    astr = "*" * astrNum
    space += 1

Task 4: Test the File

  1. Save and exit the file:
    1. Press Escape
    2. Type :wq
    3. Press Enter
  2. Execute the file:
python asciiShape.py

Lab: Writing Four Functions to Perform Different Arithmetic Operations in Python

Lab Link: Writing Four Functions to Perform Different Arithmetic Operations in Python

Task 1: Create a File and Make It Executable

Task 2: Write Three Functions That Are Able to Add, Subtract, and Multiply Two Numbers

Task 2: Write a Function to Divide Two Numbers and Implement a Check for Division by 0

Task 2: Run Tests and Call All Four Functions