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- VueJs
- Vuex
- EventEmitter
- GSAP - TweenMax
- Babel | ES2015
- Webpack
- ESLint
npm i
npm start
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npm run build
EventManagerMixin handle Emitter events and DOM events easily. It will auto bind the context, and dettach events when the component will unmount.
If you want to use the EventManager mixin, you need to define emitterEvents / domEvents in your vue component like so :
export default Vue.extend({
mixins: [EventManagerMixin],
emitterEvents: [{
message: WINDOW_RESIZE, // Event Message
method: 'onWindowResize' // Name of the method
once: false, // Optional - Listen to the event once or not, default: false
domEvents: [{
target: document, // DOM element to attach the event
event: 'mousemove', // Event type
method: 'handleDocumentMouseMove' // Name of the method
Hope you like it <3