This library provides utility for the training and evaluation of NLP models. It provides several abstractions to work with namely NLPModel and NLPDataset, that would (in theory) allow for training and evaluation of many models across various datasets.

Open In Colab


  1. Clone the repo locally
    $ git clone
  2. Navigate to repository
     $ cd nlp_ml_api
  3. Install using pip:
    $ pip install .

Quickstart (How To Use)

from nlp_ml_api.datasets import C19TwitterSentimentDataset
from nlp_ml_api.Modeler import Modeler

# load dataset
dataset = C19TwitterSentimentDataset.from_local('datasets/corona_nlp')
# load Modeler with model and dataset
modeler = Modeler('CountModel', dataset)
# train 
# evaluate on test data
# get model from Modeler
model = modeler.model
# invoke Model locally
model.predict('Quarantine Day 5: I forgot how the outside world looks like anymore')


You can invoke the model either in python (e.g. notebook) or locally (localhost) or deploy the model as a Heroku app and make a HTTP request at the endpoint.

1. Python Invocation

model.predict('I like cats')

2. Localhost

We build a docker container, containing a FastAPI app which loads the model and handles requests.

deploy_model(model, mode='localhost')

3. Live Endpoint / Heroku

Deployment to Heroku is more involved and assumes that you have Heroku CLI installed, and have logged in (i.e. heroku login). Once that is done, you can deploy the model via deploy_model function. Under the hood, python issues commands via a Makefile.

deploy_model(model, mode='heroku', endpoint_name='tweet_sentiment_nlp_endpoint')

To kill the endpoint, issue in command-line from project root,

HEROKU_APP_NAME=<ENDPOINT-NAME> make -C endpoint delete_app

Implementation Details


At a high level there are two main abstractions:


This abstraction implements a type of classification model. To create a new model, you should inherit this class and implement predict and fit functions. We provide several models out of the box:

  1. CountModel: Classification model based on token counts and logistic regression
  2. TFIDFModel: Classification model based on tf-idf and logistic regression
  3. TransformerModel: Transformer based model (Trainable on Colab!)

Optionally, each NLPModel has an NLPModelParams dataclass which allows for changing of hyper-parameters.


This abstraction wraps a dataset and provides a unified interface for models to interact with. We provide C19TwitterSentimentDataset dataset out of the box.

Training and Evaluation

Modeler takes in anNLPDataset and an NLPModel, and provides functionality to train and evaluate the model on given dataset. It also provides utility to save and load a model after training.


Model is deployed by wrapping it with a FastAPI app and dockerizing it. We are able to call the model locally by building the docker image on the local machine and can also serve the docker image as a Heroku app. The main steps of serving on Heroku can be found here. We use a Makefile to compose commands for ease of use.

Improvements / To Do

  • Metaflow/Ray: While local machines may not have GPUs locally, Metaflow / Anyscale(Ray) can provide preemptable GPU resources specifically for the training step for large models (e.g. Transformers).
  • Deployment: Deployment currently relies on model being git push-able, which is impractical for models which large memory footprint.
  • Enable custom metrics for evaluation: Evaluation is hard-coded, but could potentially allow uers to pass in their own evaluation functions if required.
  • Improve abstractions to suit NLP use-case: There are often standard steps in NLP (e.g. pre-processing) which can be made more explicit as part of the NLPModel abstraction.
  • Improve debugging / reporting