
Day 1

1. What is a graph and how is it represented?

  • What is a Graph?

  • Terminology

    • Directed Vs Undirected

      • Directed (Twitter follow) : Undirected (bi-directional) (Facebook)
      • Undirected Edge is the same as a bi directional edge
    • Cyclic Vs Acyclic

      • cyclic follows a cycle within a graph
      • acyclic does not follow a cycle (to the origin point)
    • Dense Vs Sparse

    • Weighted Vs Unweighted

  • Adjacency Lists & Adjacency Matrices

Lets code an Adjacency List

class Graph:
    """Represent a graph as a dictionary of vertices mapping labels to edges."""
    def __init__(self):

    def add_vertex(self, vertex_id):

    def add_edge(self, v1, v2):

    def get_neighbors(self, vertex_id):

2. Breadth First & Depth first Traversal

These traversals use the BFS and DFS algorithm respectively

  • BFT Looks at nodes 1 away then nodes 2 away then nodes n away such that n is the next level of children, grand-children etc
  • DFT looks at a neighbor, then the neighbor's neighbor, then the neighbor's neighbor's neighbor etc

Lets take a quick break

After the break we can look at the concept of this traversal and run through the traversing process

3. Partial Traversal example

q = []
visited = {}

Enqueue first vertex:

q = [1]
visited = {}

Dequeue first vertex:

q = []
visited = {}


Check if it's been visited (no):

q = []
visited = {}


Mark it as visited and enqueue its neighbors:

q = [2]
visited = {1}

Repeat until queue is empty:

q = [2]
visited = {1}

deque item, and repeat process:

q = []
visited = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

Lets do some pseudo-code:

def bft(self, starting_vertex_id):

Lets code up that BFT

def bft(self, starting_vertex_id):

Lets take a small break

After this break we will look at how we can convert the bft to dft and talk about the difference between bft and bfs

4. What can we do with this to make a dft (Think about the Data Structure used)?

def dft(self, starting_vertex_id):
s = []
visited = {}

push first vertex:

s = [1]
visited = {}

pop first vertex:

s = []
visited = {}


Check if it's been visited (no):

s = []
visited = {}


Mark it as visited and push its neighbors:

s = [2]
visited = {1}

Repeat until stack is empty:

s = [2]
visited = {1}

pop item, and repeat process:

s = []
visited = {1, 2, 4, 7, 6, 3, 5}

Lets talk about the bfs using a path

def bfs(self, starting_vertex_id, target_vertex_id):
    # create an empty queue and enqueue the path to the starting vertex id
    # create a set to store visited vertices
    # while queueu not empty
        # dequeue the first path
        # grab the last vertex from the path
        # if vertex is not in visited
            # check if it is the target
                # return the path to the target
            # mark it visited
            # add path to naighbours to back of queue
                # copy the path
                # append the neighbor to the back of it
    # return none

bfs partial search

q = []
visited = {}

Enqueue path to the first vertex:

q = [[1]]
visited = {}

Dequeue first path :

q = []
visited = {}


Check if it's been visited (no):

q = []
visited = {1}

[1, 2]

Mark it as visited and enqueue its neighbors:

q = [[1, 2]]
visited = {1}

Repeat until queue is empty:

q = [[1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 4, 6], [1, 2, 4, 7]]
visited = {1, 2, 3, 4}

[1, 2, 4]
=> [1, 2, 4]

deque item, and repeat process:

q = []
visited = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

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