Create React Native App

This project helps you to create a React Native app with atomic design. It is based on React Native Cli.

Getting Started


  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • React Native Cli - React Native command line interface.
  • Package Manager - Fast, disk space efficient package manager. (Optional).

NOTE: You can use any package manager you want, but I recommend using pnpm because it is faster and more disk space efficient than npm and yarn.


1. Install React Native Cli

pnpm install -g @kazion/create-rn-app

2. Create a new React Native app

@kazion/create-rn-app [options]

3. Start the app

cd [app-name]
pnpm start


Option Description Default
-h, --help Output usage information.
-v, --version Output the version number.
-n, --projectName <projectName> Name of the app.
-t, --template <template> Template to use. simple
-p, --package-manager <package-manager> Package manager to use. pnpm


You can choose between different templates to create your app.

@kazion/create-rn-app --template <template>

Available Templates

Simple (Default)



  • This template uses Axios to connect to a REST API.
  • It also uses React Navigation to navigate between screens.
  • It uses Zustand to manage global state.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



Developed with ❤️ by Patrick Kabwe