grunt plugin to compile static html from a handlebars plugin
- 1
- 3
partials not support *.hbs
#71 opened by hiyangguo - 50
Help with helper syntax
#55 opened by dotherightthing - 2
Block helper that can get optional inner content
#72 opened by artuze - 7
- 12
Arguments to path.join must be strings
#54 opened by iamdriz - 5
Add YAML template data support
#69 opened by khaliddermoumi - 1
Release for Grunt 1.0.0 compatibility
#70 opened by kirkobyte - 1
partials still registered between targets
#65 opened by jayenashar - 1
Not require templateData
#64 opened by jayenashar - 1
[TASK] config
#62 opened by marocas - 6
- 3
append to dest instead of replacing the file
#52 opened by beygi - 5
File contents not overwriting existing contents
#56 opened by iamdriz - 5
Foreign characters missing
#57 opened by eivers88 - 1
- 1
- 5
- 18
- 7
- 2
Support Handlebars 3.x
#51 opened by lostthetrail - 20
Dynamic output from one template
#16 opened by paintedbicycle - 1
Missing helper
#48 opened by hiulit - 2
Missing "remove spaces" option
#45 opened by iSimonWeb - 1
- 10
- 6
- 4
outputInInput throws error
#28 opened by jasonlav - 4
Calling Helper from another Helper (or, how do I get a hold of the original handlbars instance)
#31 opened by MichielVdAnker - 3
handlebars not found
#34 opened by LucidityDesign - 11
using Handlebars.SafeString in helper?
#11 opened by marcoow - 5
concat entire directory into one output file
#26 opened by paulmason - 2
Updating to latest version
#30 opened by paulmason - 16
- 6
#23 opened by mamzellejuu - 14
(Docs) How to use globbed json files?
#18 opened by johannesjo - 3
Template data file not getting picked up
#25 opened by dgoswami75 - 10
- 3
Same template different data
#20 opened by adamsilver - 2
JSON templates
#17 opened by schnittstabil - 7
Unexpected token "<" when using html partials
#13 opened by manuelbieh - 4
Issue Compiling
#9 opened by pburtchaell - 6
Grunt 0.4 Release
#4 opened by tkellen