
main code

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


amplify-edge.org - A non-profit providing secure, open source, self organising software for everyones.


GetCourageNow.org ( https://www.getcouragenow.org/ ) - Climate Change Organisation


This project provides a platform offering real time collaboration to allow organisations to collaborate around a campaign.


Web CI : https://org-y.getcouragenow.org/


Please raise issues here:

Issues: https://github.com/amplify-edge/main/issues

Include the following if pertinent:

Installation and Walkthrough docs

User walkthrough to configure and deploy the system: https://github.com/amplify-edge/main/blob/master/doc/user-walkthrough.md

Dev walkthrough to config and modify the code: https://github.com/amplify-edge/main/blob/master/doc/developer-walkthrough.md

Design docs

See the ARCHITECTURE.md for information on the architecture on the system.

See the DEVELOPMENT.md for information on developing on the system.

See the DEPLOYMENT.md for information on deploying the system.

See the DEPLOYMENT.md for information on the modularity of the system.

See the SECURITY.md for information on the security of the system.

Project docs

The Project Website gives a general introduction about what the software is used for, the organisation behind it.

The Project Docs explains the functionality.


You can contact us at Email regarding any questions or if you would like a demo of the system.

If your a developer and want help then your free to contact the DEV Team at Telegram: https://t.me/gcn_dev.


STATUS: Not yet...



STATUS: Not yet...


High Level code structure

All code is compiled from here to build the whole system.

The system is a module architecture.

If you are developing on the system you need the build tools in the shared repo.


This folder holds the protos that are used to generate fake test data.

It can be used to bootstrap data for any template.


This folder holds example projects.

Each Project follows the exact same structure as a Template with a few extra bits:

  • Deployment holds the files used for deployment.
  • Config/ is encrypted.


This folder holds the main code of the Server and Cli.

It has many templates that show how to run the system as a single binary or as many binaries on many machines in order to scale the system out.

If you look at maintemplatev2 you see our common patterns:

  • cli-commands.go contains all instantiation code for loading the cli and all the sub modules.
  • server_commands.go contains all instantiation code for loading the server and all the sub modules.
  • bootstrap-data/ holds the template used to bootstrap data.
  • client/ holds the main flutter client that then loads all the sub modules
  • config/ holds the configs for the sub modules.
  • main/ holds the primary boot code of the Server and sdk-cli . It calls the server_commands.go and cli-commands.go respectivly.
  • wrapper/ holds some shared util code that all the above uses.

See the README for each template to see how to build and run the code.

  • maintemplatev2

    • single binary, and all architype
    • Single config.
    • Archetype
      • Main
        • make
  • maintemplatev3

    • 2 binaries , all architypes
    • Config per physical architype
    • Archetype
      • MainSys
        • make
      • MainMod
        • make