
the ember reduced-computed and array-computed as addon

##Addon Install ember install:addon patricklx/ember-cli-reduce-computed

however the computed.* functions will still use the old implementation, therefore you also need to install the addon ember-cli-reduce-computed-macros

then in your app:

import install from 'ember-cli-reduce-computed'; install()

API difference

  • new callback: propertyChanged
  • item property changes are coalesced and applied asynchronously with run.once. They are, however, applied immediately if get is called for the reduceComputed property.
  • array changes are applied immediately.
  • if you need the index you need to specify needIndex in the options
  • if undefined is returned, the value will be recalculated on the next get

API Description

Creates a computed property which operates on dependent arrays and is updated with "one at a time" semantics. When items are added or removed from the dependent array(s) a reduce computed only operates on the change instead of re-evaluating the entire array.

If there are more than one arguments the first arguments are considered to be dependent property keys. The last argument is required to be an options object. The options object can have the following four properties:

hasOwnInitialValue - If this is set to true, the initialValue function is responsible for all preparations, e.g.: adding items to the array, setting the initialValue. This can be used to optimize the calculation of the initial value.

initialValue - A value or function that will be used as the initial value for the computed. If this property is a function the result of calling the function will be used as the initial value. This property is required.

initialize - An optional initialize function. Typically this will be used to set up state on the instanceMeta object.

removedItem - A function that is called each time an element is removed from the array.

addedItem - A function that is called each time an element is added to the array.

propertyChanged - A function that is called each time an element's property changes, if this function is not defined removedItem and addedItem will be called instead

flushedChanges - A function that is called after all changes have been flushed. It's called after items have been removed and/or added to the array and after all itemProperty changes have been flushed.

The initialize function has the following signature:

function(initialValue, changeMeta, instanceMeta)

initialValue - The value of the initialValue property from the options object.

changeMeta - An object which contains meta information about the computed. It contains the following properties:

  • property the computed property
  • propertyName the name of the property on the object

instanceMeta - An object that can be used to store meta information needed for calculating your computed. For example a unique computed might use this to store the number of times a given element is found in the dependent array.

The removedItem and addedItem functions both have the following signature:

function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta)

accumulatedValue - The value returned from the last time removedItem or addedItem was called or initialValue. item - the element added or removed from the array changeMeta - An object which contains meta information about the change. It contains the following properties:

  • property the computed property
  • propertyName the name of the property on the object
  • index the index of the added or removed item
  • item the added or removed item: this is exactly the same as the second arg
  • arrayChanged the array that triggered the change. Can be useful when depending on multiple arrays.

For property changes triggered on an item property change (when depKey is something like someArray.@each.someProperty), changeMeta will also contain the following property:

instanceMeta - An object that can be used to store meta information needed for calculating your computed. For example a unique computed might use this to store the number of times a given element is found in the dependent array.

The removedItem and addedItem functions should return the accumulated value. It is acceptable to not return anything (ie return undefined) to invalidate the computation. This is generally not a good idea for arrayComputed but it's used in eg max and min.

Note that observers will be fired if either of these functions return a value that differs from the accumulated value. When returning an object that mutates in response to array changes, for example an array that maps everything from some other array (see Ember.computed.map), it is usually important that the same array be returned to avoid accidentally triggering observers.


Ember.computed.max = function(dependentKey) {
  return Ember.reduceComputed(dependentKey, {
    initialValue: -Infinity,
    addedItem: function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
      return Math.max(accumulatedValue, item);
    removedItem: function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
      if (item < accumulatedValue) {
        return accumulatedValue;

Dependent keys may refer to @this to observe changes to the object itself, which must be array-like, rather than a property of the object. This is mostly useful for array proxies, to ensure objects are retrieved via objectAtContent. This is how you could sort items by properties defined on an item controller.


App.PeopleController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
  itemController: 'person',
  sortedPeople: Ember.computed.sort('@this.@each.reversedName', function(personA, personB) {
    // `reversedName` isn't defined on Person, but we have access to it via
    // the item controller App.PersonController.  If we'd used
    // `content.@each.reversedName` above, we would be getting the objects
    // directly and not have access to `reversedName`.
    var reversedNameA = get(personA, 'reversedName');
    var reversedNameB = get(personB, 'reversedName');
    return Ember.compare(reversedNameA, reversedNameB);
App.PersonController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  reversedName: function() {
    return reverse(get(this, 'name'));

Dependent keys whose values are not arrays are treated as regular dependencies: when they change, the computed property is completely recalculated. It is sometimes useful to have dependent arrays with similar semantics. Dependent keys which end in .[] do not use "one at a time" semantics. When an item is added or removed from such a dependency, the computed property is completely recomputed.

When the computed property is completely recomputed, the accumulatedValue is discarded, it starts with initialValue again, and each item is passed to addedItem in turn.


  // When `string` is changed, `computed` is completely recomputed.
  string: 'a string',
  // When an item is added to `array`, `addedItem` is called.
  array: [],
  // When an item is added to `anotherArray`, `computed` is completely
  // recomputed.
  anotherArray: [],
  computed: Ember.reduceComputed('string', 'array', 'anotherArray.[]', {
    addedItem: addedItemCallback,
    removedItem: removedItemCallback


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.