
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Install Node https://nodejs.org/en/

Download Atom (OPTIONAL) https://atom.io/

Install all the node packages On the root of this project run on your terminal (if you want you can do this with yarn but thats optional) We updated to version 4.0 of gulp so you should have no problems

    npm install
    npm install gulp-cli -g
    npm install gulp 
    npm install webpack@4.25.1 -g
    npm install webpack-cli@3.1.2 -g

make sure versions of gulp is 4.0

    gulp -v 

Start the dev server

  npm run watch

Start the dev server with proxy

  npm run proxy

Build files for production

  npm run build

Optimize Your Images

  npm run imgs

Static Site Generator Development

  npm run static:dev

Static Site Generator Production

  npm run static:build