Austin Residential Permitting Site



This site is set up to be editable on CloudCannon. Ask a member of the Fellows (@sknep) to be added. We pay per seat, so you may need to swap with someone.


This site uses Algolia and the AlgoliaSearch Jekyll Plugin to index and retrieve search results. The search index is rebuilt and pushed via a cron job every Friday at 12:30 by TravisCI rather than with every push to the master branch, as each text edit via CloudCannon would generate a new crawl and we'd blow through our operations/month limit.


This is based on a boilerplate for using the U.S. Web Design Standards to build static websites.

The U.S. Web Design Standards’ entire feature set is included. You can find code snippets to copy and paste in:



The following tools have been included to make front-end development easier. Read through their documentation.


Using Sass to write your CSS is highly recommended. Your main CSS file is assets/stylesheets/application.scss Do not write any CSS selectors on this page. Instead, link to them with @import statements.

The U.S. Web Design Standards CSS files are located in assets/uswds/stylesheets. You may use any Sass variables from the U.S. Web Design Standards in your project SCSS. To get familiar with the variables, you can read them in assets/uswds/stylesheets/core/_variables.scss

The assets/stylesheets/fellows CSS is intended to be a set of consistent, reusable styles (a layer on top of the USWDS) to use across all of our projects, with the assets/stylesheets/permitting folder containing the CSS specific to this site. This is still a work in progress.


jQuery and the full USWDS JS file has been included. This can probably be improved a bit since both of these libraries will add significant weight and performance hits to your page. All JavaScript are imported and concatenated into a single file, assets/javascripts/application.js. Imports are handled with Jekyll’s include_relative method. Place your scripts in assets/javascripts/scripts and link to them in assets/javascripts/application.js.

Running with Docker

If you have Docker installed, you can run the project via the terminal:

$ git clone
$ cd Residential-Permitting
$ ./scripts/

How to run

Using the command line, the following commands should be able to get you up and running. You will need to clone this repo, remove origin as a remote branch, and run on local host.

$ git clone
$ cd Residential-Permitting
$ git remote remove origin
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

When the application is running, you can view the site in the browser at http://localhost:4000