
:floppy_disk: List of coding resources.

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Code Resources


  • Provide Resources for Code Learners
  • Consolidate links into one quick reference doc



The first year of teaching myself how to code was really hard because I didn't know where to start or what to look for. Even now, I'm still trying to figure it out, but I'm much more aware of my surroundings.

Though I wasn't coding, I was collecting a bunch of resources for coding, getting familiar with the terminiology, and tweeting at folks here and there for some guidance. I've created this reference for future learners.

Everything that I've listed are resources I've used myself. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line: patrickm02L@gmail.com. Enjoy!

This is a list in progress, and I'll keep adding resources to it as I find them.



Cheat Sheets

Code Folks Who Teach

Code Questions and Answers

GitHub Website and Pages

Inspiring Code Learning Projects

Inspiring Videos

Learning Blogs

Learning Publications

Learning Videos

Learning Websites

See Code For Any Webpage

  • Google Chrome: Right-click, select 'View Page Source', or right-click on an element and select 'Inspect Element'.

Text Editing Apps

Transfer Code From Local Comuter to GitHub