
A Drupal module similar to CommentPress for WordPress

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Patrick Murray-John
Twitter: patrickgmj
Drupal: patrickmj
Blog: http://www.patrickgmj.net/blog
CV: http://cv.patrickgmj.net


Open Review attempts to build on the example of the excellent CommentPress plugin for WordPress. It differs from CommentPress in that a primary design goal is to make it theme-agnostic. I aim for this module to be usable with any Drupal theme, though testing that perfectly is clearly problematic. Nevertheless, I anticipate that it should work with what you are running. Please contact me with details about fails, and we can probably hack it to work with your theme.


Install in the usual Drupal way: put the files in your sites/all/modules or appropriate site-specific directory. Go to admin/modules and check the box.


Go to Admin->Manage Content->Content Types->(Your content type(s) for Open Review). For the content types that should use Open Review, edit the "Comments" section to enable the module.  For the module to work, you must choose one of the Threaded options for comment display.

This module brings in it's own jQuery files because of UX troubles using the jQuery Upgrade and jQuery UI modules. This could cause conflicts with other modules that use jQuery and jQuery UI.
I only import it's own jQuery for the content types specified to use use Open Review.

Testing across themes is unavoidably limited.


Work with all the various WYSIWYG editors.
* TinyMCE supported -- tested on 3.3.6
* FCKEditor 
* WYMediator
* markItUp
* yUI Editor
* NiceEdit
* Whizzywig

Test across browsers. 

Research better form for bringing in jQuery within the module itself?