<title>Lab 4</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""

  <script src=""

  <script src=""

    <script src=""

      html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; }
      #map { min-height: 100%; }

<title>Lab 4</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""

  <script src=""

  <script src=""

    <script src=""

      html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; }
      #map { min-height: 100%; }

      var map ='map', {
            center: [38.1625228, -96.9633171],
            zoom: 4

var Stamen_TerrainBackground = L.tileLayer('https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.{ext}', { attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, CC BY 3.0 — Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors', subdomains: 'abcd', minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 18, ext: 'png' });

      //change the file name to yours
            var info = processData(data);
            createPropSymbols(info.timestamps, data);

      function processData(data) {
          // First, initialize the variables to hold the timestamps and min/max population values
          var timestamps = [];  // square brackets to define an array of data
                                // because there are multiple timestamps
          var	min = Infinity; // for the min, begin with the largest possible value - infinity
          var	max = -Infinity;// for the max, begin with the smallest possible value - negative infinity

          // Go through each row/feature of the data table
          // Note data is the variable name in the function definition - processData(data)
          for (var feature in data.features) {
              var properties = data.features[feature].properties;

              // At each row, go through the columns/attributes to get the values
              for (var attribute in properties) {
                  if ( attribute != 'province' &&
                       attribute != 'POP' &&
		   attribute !='SUSP_COUNT' &&
                       attribute != 'LATITUDE' &&
                       attribute != 'LONGITUDE' )   

                          timestamps.push(attribute);  // The JS push() method adds new items to the end of an array
                                                       // and returns the new length of the array
                      if (properties[attribute] < min) {
                          min = properties[attribute]; // record/update the current smaller values as the min
                      if (properties[attribute] > max) {
                          max = properties[attribute]; // record/update the current larger values as the max
          return {
              timestamps : timestamps,
              min : min,
              max : max

      // The function to draw the proportional symbols
        function createPropSymbols(timestamps, data) {

          cities = L.geoJson(data, {

              // By default, Leaflet draws geojson points as simple markers
              // To alter this, the pointToLayer function needs to be used
              pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
                  return L.circleMarker(latlng, { // we use circle marker for the points
                      fillColor: "#501e65",  // fill color of the circles
                      color: '#501e65',      // border color of the circles
                      weight: 2,             // circle line weight in pixels
                      fillOpacity: 0.5       // fill opacity (0-1)
                     mouseover: function(e) {
                        this.setStyle({fillColor: 'green'});  // fill color turns green when mouseover
                    mouseout: function(e) {
                        this.setStyle({fillColor: '#501e65'});  // fill turns original color when mouseout

          updatePropSymbols(timestamps[0]); // this function is defined below
                                          // When loaded, the map will first show proportional symbols with the first timestamp's data

function createSliderUI(timestamps) { var sliderControl = L.control({ position: 'bottomleft'} ); // position of the slider // Another use of L.control :) sliderControl.onAdd = function(map) { //initialize a range slider with mousedown control var slider = L.DomUtil.create("input", "range-slider"); L.DomEvent.addListener(slider, 'mousedown', function(e) { L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e); });

// Define the labels of the time slider as an array of strings
// Modify this for your data
var labels = ["1950", "1960","1970","1980", "1990", "2000","2010"];

      'max': timestamps[timestamps.length-1],
      'step': 1, // Change this to match the numeric interval between adjacent timestamps
      'value': String(timestamps[0])
    .on('input change', function() {
        updatePropSymbols($(this).val().toString()); // automatic update the map for the timestamp
        var i = $.inArray(this.value,timestamps);
        $(".temporal-legend").text(labels[i]); // automatic update the label for the timestamp
return slider;

} sliderControl.addTo(map); createTimeLabel("1950"); //The starting timestamp label }

// Add labels to the time slider when the map first loaded function createTimeLabel(startTimestamp) { var temporalLegend = L.control({position: 'bottomleft' }); // same position as the slider // One more use of L.control !! temporalLegend.onAdd = function(map) { var output = L.DomUtil.create("output", "temporal-legend"); $(output).text(startTimestamp); return output; } temporalLegend.addTo(map); }

        // The function to update/resize each circle marker according to a value in the time series
        function updatePropSymbols(timestamp) {

          cities.eachLayer(function(layer) {  // eachLayer() is an Leaflet function to iterate over the layers/points of the map

              var props =;   // attributes
              var radius = calcPropRadius(props[timestamp]); // circle radius, calculation function defined below

              // pop-up information (when mouseover) for each city is also defined here
             var popupContent = + ' ' + timestamp + ' population: ' + String(props[timestamp]);

              layer.setRadius(radius);  // Leaflet method for setting the radius of a circle
              layer.bindPopup(popupContent, { offset: new L.Point(0,-radius) }); // bind the popup content, with an offset

        // calculate the radius of the proportional symbols based on area
        function calcPropRadius(attributeValue) {

          var scaleFactor = 0.001;   // the scale factor is used to scale the values; the units of the radius are in meters
                                     // you may determine the scale factor accordingly based on the range of the values and the mapping scale
          var area = attributeValue * scaleFactor;

          return Math.sqrt(area/Math.PI);  // the function return the radius of the circle to be used in the updatePropSymbols()
