
manage rules and streams from social data sources, starting with twitter.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

social feed manager

A django application for managing multiple feeds of social media data.

Developed at the GWU Libraries in Washington, DC, USA.

See also LICENSE.txt.


Developed using python 2.7 and postgresql-9.1 with and for deployment on ubuntu lts 12.04; your mileage may vary.

  • install ubuntu package dependencies:

      % sudo apt-get install git apache2 python-dev python-virtualenv postgresql libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libpq-dev libapache2-mod-wsgi
  • get this code:

      % git clone git://github.com/gwu-libraries/social-feed-manager.git
      % cd social-feed-manager
  • create and activate a virtualenv:

      % virtualenv --no-site-packages ENV
      % source ENV/bin/activate
  • prep postgres (change name/pass/permissions/pg_hba.conf as appropriate, and pick your own user/passwd):

      % sudo su - postgres
      (postgres)% psql
      postgres=# create user YOURSFMDBUSERNAME with createdb password 'YOURSFMDBPASSWORD';
      postgres=# \q
      (postgres)% createdb -U YOURSFMDBUSERNAME sfm -W
  • install requirements

      % pip install -r requirements.txt
  • add and edit local_settings.py; include db settings and define ALLOWED_HOSTS as appropriate

      % cd sfm
      % cp sfm/local_settings.py.template sfm/local_settings.py
  • Set TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME to the twitter account username that you would like the application to use to register other users.

  • Using the twitter account you designated as your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME, log in to:


    Then create an app for your instance of SFM. In addition to the required values, set the application type to "read only", and give it a callback URL. The callback URL can be the same as your website URL, but you have to provide a value or the authorization loop between twitter/oauth and django-social-auth/ sfm will not work correctly.

    Use the resulting OAuth settings' consumer key and secret as your TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY and TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET in local_settings.py.

  • to verify, you should have each of these set in local_settings.py:

  • add and edit wsgi.py; specify your virtualenv root as ENV if you use one

      % cp sfm/wsgi.py.template sfm/wsgi.py
  • set up the db from django

      % ./manage.py syncdb

    This will prompt you to create a superuser for administrating the running app. Create one and remember your account info.

  • run migrations for social_auth and ui

      % ./manage.py migrate
  • to plug in to apache, use sfm/apache.conf and adjust in an /etc/apache/sites-available file as appropriate

  • if you are upgrading a database that was created in m1_001, run populate_uids to add user ids to TwitterUser nicks:

      % ./manage.py populate_uids


  • run the UI to browse saved data and use the admin:

      % ./manage.py runserver
  • the home page will be at '/', the admin app at '/admin'. exciting eh.

  • Make sure you are logged out of twitter in your browser. Use the "log in" link on your SFM app's home page. The login page requests your authentication through Twitter's OAuth service. Log in using the twitter account you specified earlier as your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME. This will give you a saved django User and associated User Social Auth for the TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME which some of the commands down below will use.

  • log in to the admin app at /admin using the superuser django prompted you to create when you ran "syncdb" above. add one or more TwitterUsers (use real screen names), then you can fetch the most recent 3200 tweets for each.

      % ./manage.py user_timeline
  • this works as a cronjob, e.g. to run it every two hours, if you installed it under /sfm (spells out virtualenv-based paths, adjust as necessary):

      5 */2 * * * cd /sfm/social-feed-manager && /sfm/social-feed-manager/ENV/bin/python /sfm/social-feed-manager/sfm/manage.py user_timeline
  • use the admin UI to add a Rule, which specifies follow, track, or locations to use to poll from twitter's statuses/filter function. then you can poll with the filterstream command, which will write out gzipped files at intervals you can specify:

      % ./manage.py filterstream
  • to tidy up a bunch of those files into data directories named and organized by stream type and date:

      % ./manage.py organizedata
  • to grab the statuses/sample stream:

      % ./manage.py streamsample

Note that if you're going to be using twitter's streams, you should be familiar with their documentation:



To work on sfm, clone/fork it in github. If you send pull requests from a fork, please make them as atomic as you can.

We are actively working on this, making changes in response to university researcher requests. If the features it supports seem fickle and spotty it's because we're still just getting started and still figuring out what we need it to do. Please get in touch and tell us what you think.