
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Table of Contents


How It Works

Jelly is a Chrome extension that makes it easier to make flash cards using Quizlet or Anki. To initiate making a card, simply highlight any word on a web page and click the icon that shows up. This will put whatever you highlighted into the term field of a new flash card and place your cursor into the answer field. You can then either type the answer, or simply highlight something else on the page to place in the answer field. Clicking save will save the card to the program you have chosen.


Activation Key

This option is off by default. Setting it equal to a key will caus the Jelly icon not to show up whenever you highlight a piece of text. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Key where Key is the letter you have chosen will cause the icon to appear, at which point you can click it to create a card like normal.

Highlight Answer

Checking this option will allow you to highlight additional text after you have initiated the creation of a card to place in the answer field. If it is disabled highlighting text after you started creating a card will close your current card and cause the Jelly icon to appear next to the new text you highlighted to create a different card.

Auto Translate

Turning this option on will cause Jelly to try to translate whatever text you highlight and place that text in the answer field (set by the Focus Index). The source and target languages can be configured in the popup.

Picture Terms

This setting currently does nothing. In a future release it will allow you to take a screenshot to initiate the creation of a flash card.

Audio Terms

This setting currently does nothing. In a future release it will allow you to record audio to initiate the creation of a flash card.

Visibility Toggle

If you are currently editing a card, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Key will cause the card to go invisible and releasing it will bring the card back. This allows you to see and highlight text it would otherwise cover.

Source Language

This is the language Jelly will try to translate from if Auto Translate is on. Set it to "Auto" to try to detect the language.

Target Language

This is the language Jelly will try to translate to if Auto Translate is on.

Highlight Index

This is the number of the field that Jelly will place the highlighted text into. So if it is 1, Jelly will try to place the highlighted text into the first field. If the number chosen is too high, Jelly will default to the first field.

Focus Index

This is the number of the field that Jelly will place your cursor in when creating a new card. If it is too high, Jelly will default to the last field. This is also where the translated text will go if you have Auto Translate on.

Flash Card Program

This determines which flash card program the card will be saved to. Currently only Anki and Quizlet are supported.

Card Creation


When creating an Anki card, you can select what deck to save it to and what model, or note type, you will use with the drop down menus. You can also create a new deck using the New Deck button.


When creating a Quizlet card, you can select what set to save it to using the drop down menu. You can also create a new set using the New Set button.

Flash card program: None Anki Quizlet

Make sure you install and set up AnkiConnect! Otherwise you won't be able to save flash cards!


Remeber, this is the version of AnkiConnect, not Anki! As such, it should be a number from 1-6.

Your version has to be from 1-6! (inclusive)

Bind Address:

If you don't know this, leave it blank. You will only be able to add cards from your computer. See AnkiConnect's website for more details.

Your address has to be an IPv4 address like "" or ""!

To use Jelly with Quizlet you must give Jelly access to your account.

Note that if you create a new set with Jelly, the program will automatically add two cards to that set called `jellySentinel!@#$%^&*()` and `jellySentinel)(*&^%$#@!`. this is because Quizlet will not allow you to create an empty set. Jelly will automatically try to delete any cards that have these term fields every time you add a card to a set. Unfortunately, this means that it is impossible to use Jelly with a set that contains a card whose term is either of these words (but I highly doubt you will want to do that)...

Go To Quizlet
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