
Scrape API Documentation from HTML to a JSON Swagger Document

Primary LanguageJavaScript



See the config directory for example configurations

npm install -g scrape-to-swagger
scrape-to-swagger --config ./config/product-hunt.js --output ./output/product-hunt.swagger.json --verbose


The configuration file tells scrape-to-swagger how to retrieve each piece of the swagger document from the HTML.


  • url - The root page to scrape
  • depth - The depth to crawl links


Selector fields correspond to parts of the Swagger document. These can be specified as constants or as selectors.

  • host
  • basePath
  • title
  • description
  • operations - A group of operations
    • operation - A single operation (e.g. GET /users)
      • path
      • method
      • operationDescription
      • parameters
        • parameter
          • parameterIn
          • parameterName
          • parameterRequired
          • parameterDescription
      • responses
        • response
          • responseStatus
          • responseDescription
          • responseSchema

Selectors are passed to cheerio, which is based on jQuery.

The selector object takes four parameters:

  • selector - a CSS selector. This will be applied as parent.find(selector), where the parent is the element in the hierarchy above (or <body> if none)
  • regex - A regular expression for extracting the field from the text inside the selector
  • regexIndex - The index of the matched items to use (default=1, i.e. it will capture the first thing you put in parens)
  • join - If true, join all the elements matched by the selector
  • split - If true, include all siblings of the element matched by the selector, up until the next match of the selector


  • fixPathParameters a function for converting to Swagger-style parameters, e.g. from /users/:username to /users/{username}
var config = module.exports = {
  url: 'https://www.quandl.com/docs/api',
  depth: 0,
  protocols: ['https'],
  host: 'www.quandl.com',
  basePath: '/api/v3',
  title: 'Quandl API',
  description: 'The Quandl API',

  operations: {selector: 'h2', split: true},
  operationDescription: {selector: 'h2 ~ p', join: true},
  path: {selector: 'pre:contains(Definition) + div + blockquote', regex: /\w+ https:\/\/www.quandl.com\/api\/v3(\/\S*)/},
  method: {selector: 'pre:contains(Definition) + div + blockquote', regex: /(\w+) https:\/\/www.quandl.com\/api\/v3\/\S*/},

  parameters: {selector: 'table'},
  parameter: {selector: 'tr'},
  parameterIn: 'query',
  parameterType: 'string',
  parameterName: {selector: 'td:first-of-type', regex: /(\S+)/},
  parameterRequired: {selector: 'td:nth-of-type(2)'},
  parameterDescription: {selector: 'td:nth-of-type(3)'},

  responseSchema: {selector: 'pre:contains(Example Response) + div + blockquote', isExample: true},

  fixPathParameters: function(path) {
    pieces = path.split('/');
    pieces = pieces.map(function(p) {
      return p.replace(/:(\w+)/g, '{$1}')
    return pieces.join('/');

config.securityDefinitions = {
  'apiKey': {
    type: 'apiKey',
    name: 'api_key',
    in: 'query',