
boto is required

Closed this issue · 14 comments

I need to install boto even though I don't use amazon uploads and I got IMAGE_STORAGE_BACKEND set to LocalImageStorage.

Boto is is quite heavy in dependencies it would be great if you don't require it to use urlimaging.

Ok, good point. Let me see what I can do

This should be fixed now. Lemme know if you have any other issues.

I also still have this issue, cant get it to work, eventhough I want to use LocalImageStorage. On line 57 in i get S3ImageStorage @Retry(3, S3DataError)

NameError: name 'S3DataError' is not defined

Is this project still going on btw? Didnt see that it was issued 3 years ago! :)

Yep - it probably doesn't run as smoothly as I'd like on new versions of django, but I have been adding fixes to it as I run into production issues. I'll try to take a look at this bug in the next few days. I also plan on getting this working with the newest django version

Ah that sounds great! :)

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Patrick Carroll

Yep - it probably doesn't run as smoothly as I'd like on new versions of
django, but I have been adding fixes to it as I run into production issues.
I'll try to take a look at this bug in the next few days. I also plan on
getting this working with the newest django version

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Mvh Andreas Røed

Ok, could you try updating your library and see if it works now?

Not quite sure what you mean by "updating" my library, I did a fresh install of url-imaging, but no luck..

might not be boto alone, cause I did a sudo pip install -U boto and it still doesnt work for me.. I run python2.7 and Django 1.5.4 on ubuntu 12.04 btw :)

How are you updating? I think you might want to verify your version of django-url-imaging because if you look at the current line 57 of that file:

it doesn't reference the boto-specific exception at all anymore. Perhaps try installing from github? I did push the newest version to PyPI last night so not sure why you're not seeing it. Also, can you post the full stack trace?

Okey so I got passed that error, finally after reinstalling:) Im a bit
unsure on how this works, my need is that i can get a resized image just by
calling a url, right?
Im trying it like this,
but i will get 404 each time.. I know that the image is stored locally
the server, is there some kind of setting im missing? Is it necessary to
create images with given sizes before hand?

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Patrick Carroll

How are you updating? I think you might want to verify your version of
django-url-imaging because if you look at the current line 57 of that file:

it doesn't reference the boto-specific exception at all anymore. Perhaps
try installing from github? I did push the newest version to PyPI last
night so not sure why you're not seeing it. Also, can you post the full
stack trace?

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Mvh Andreas Røed

Ok I think what you're missing is that you need a fully-qualified URL after the resize. So your URL would be:

The idea is that the images being resized can live anywhere. I probably should add support for relative URLs

Hmm okey. that did not work either.. Im gonna use this with a rest API for
mobile phones, cause I need to resize images based on phone screen size
etc.. Will this project be suitable, you think? :) Basically I would have
like 10 different copies of each image laying around on the
server,depending on the size each mobile frontend would request?

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Patrick Carroll

Ok I think what you're missing is that you need a fully-qualified URL
after the resize. So your URL would be:

The idea is that the images being resized can live anywhere. I probably
should add support for relative URLs

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Mvh Andreas Røed

Yep that's exactly what it's intended for. I've been managing several fairly large scale deployments of it that are running fine. If I can help you debug at all feel free to message me directly, but I'm going to close this ticket as I don't think this is related to the original ticket anymore.