
Chirper, but in Angular

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lab 18: Return of the Chirps: A New Angle

Due: Wednesday, June 28th, 10:30

Full Stack: Summer 2017


  • This project will be building on project 1
  • Copy your package.json and client and server folders to this project folder
  • Make sure this project folder has a .gitignore file with an entry for node_modules
  • Run npm install on this project to install all your dependencies you need
  • You should already have html files in your client folder for welcome, list, single view, and single update
  • You will be transitioning this site to use AngularJS


  • In your Express server code, remove all the route handlers for client routes (non-API routes)
  • Make sure you are statically serving the client folder
  • Rename index.html to welcome.html
  • Create an index.html file in the client folder, bringing in the AngularJS and angular routing scripts from a CDN
    • Also bring in a new JS file you are going to create called app.js
  • Create an Angular application as demonstrated in class. You should use routing. Specifically, the following routes should exist:
    • /: show welcome page
    • /chirps: show list page
    • /chirps/some_id: show single view page
    • /chirps/some_id/update: show single update page
  • Remember, when you set up a route, you need to specify the html page to show, and the controller to make active
  • The controller for the welcome page can be empty for now. We may add functionality in later.
  • The controller for the list page should make two GET requests to the API for all chirps and all users
    • When you get the chirps back, they should be shown on the screen as before, but this time using ng-repeat!
    • Chirps should link to the single view for that chirp when clicked upon
    • Use ng-repeat to populate the options of the user select box
  • The controller for the single chirp page should make a GET request to the API for the single chirp
    • Use bindings to make the data show on the screen
    • Clicking the delete button should make a DELETE request to the server and redirect back to the list page when successful
  • The controller for the update chirp page should make a GET request to the API for the single chirp
    • The message of the chirp should be placed in the input box in the view using data binding
    • When the update button is clicked, rely on data-binding to get the new message and send the PUT request to the server
    • When the server indicates a successful update, redirect back to the single page or the list page


  • Remember, the html files for the views only need the html for the content of that page.
    • DO NOT have the <html>, <head>, <body> tags. etc. Basically, only include what would normally be within the body tags.
  • Your index.html will be the full html file, with script and stylesheet imports.
  • To succeed in this lab, you need to understand $scope, data-binding, ng-repeat, ng-click, $http, and angular routing.