Hey Swifters, or future Swifters! The following guide is a collection of swift resources I have been/will be learning Swift from, so of course, why not share? I'll be adding links and providing feedback as I work through some of these resources on my own as well. Happy Swifting!
- Apple's Swift Developer Blog
- NSHipster
- Objc.io
- Natasha The Robot
- Ray Wenderlich
- We ❤️ Swift
- Jameson Quave
- Holko
- Jameson Quave
- Beginners Guide to Swift
- Swift Programming Lanaguage Intro
- Learnswift.io
- Swift Forward
- Swift Programming Language on Medium
- Sam Soffes
- JP Simard
- Mattt Thompson
- Natasha Murashev
- Chris Eidhof
- Pinglin Tang
- Ruoyu Fu
- Nate Murray
- Christian Noon
- Peter Sobot
- Oktawian Chojnacki
- Meng To
- James Tang
- Daniel Cohen Gindi
- Robert Bohnke
- Guilherme Rambo
- Robert Widmann
- Maxwell Swadling
- Robert Payne
- Viktor Radchenko
- Lex Tang
- Arkadiusz Holko
- Ankur Patel
- iOS Peeps - My personal list of 300ish iOS "devs to follow"
- Apple's Official Language Documentation
- Apple's Swift Language Guide
- Apple's Swift Language Reference
- An incredible course taught by Paul Hagarty (former Apple engineer). For those intersted in any topics that might not have been covered here, he has done many courses in the past, although they're in Objective-C (tear). The most recent course before the course taught in Swift was Paul's course in the Fall '14.
- Trending Swift GitHub Repositories - For a list of all currently trending swift projects on github (monthly).
- Awesome iOS - See Awesome iOS for a list of maintained libraries far beyond the scale of this resource.
- The Swift programming Language
- Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C
- Functional Reactive Programming on iOS
- Functional Programming in Swift
- iOS 8 Programming Fundamentals with Swift
- Beginning iOS 8 Programming with Swift
- Swift Tutorials by Ray Wenderlich
- iOS Animations by Tutorials
- Learn Swift by Aidan Finn
For other cities outside of SF, feel free to add your local Swift meetup!
There's even an app?
Swiftly - Learn how to code in Swift
So, there you have it. The largest Swift brain dump of currated Swift resources I have to offer at the moment, but rest assured there will be continual additions to come as I get further down the road. If there is something here you don't see (I'm sure there is), feel free to send a pull request my way and I'll get it in.
Happy Swifting!