
Simple word generator and rudimentary Regexp filter option

Primary LanguageJavaScript

                        WordGen by Patrick Simonian

  This program and its contents (in the 1.0 release) was and has been written
entirely by the author! For that reason (as well as myself only coding for
about 1 month), it could absolutely be improved on!
 Additionally, there is a small Regular Expression which is functional
but not 100% operational. It's purpose is for users who are
new to RegExp (such as my self) to familiarize themselves with some basic
expressions. A great resource for regexp can be found at https://regex101.com


 inital release of html, js, css files as well as assets.

  added additional features to javascript and seperated into two files for the word generation and regex finder respectively.

    vowel ratio: can set ratio from 0.0 to 1.0, defaults to .4 (40% of word length will be vowels)

    common combinations: inserts into generated words common combinations of letters in english language such as "ph" sounds or "th" sounds or
                          suffixes such as "ing" and "ion"

    symbols: if selected, words will have symbols inserted into them ie:("#", "@", "!", "$", "%", "&", "?", ":", ";", "~")

    numbers: if selected, words will have numbers inserted into them ie (1-9)

    Caps options: caps can be inserted into words, either at random or all or none