
Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Getting Started

Weekly Office Hours / Collaborators Meeting


This repo is used to create a landing zone. In order to do that some prerequisites are required to deploy the Terraform configurations.

  • A shell environment where Terraform, jq, and the GCloud SDK can all be installed.
  • A Google Cloud Platform Organization, where the administrator running this code has Organizational Admin
  • Use the following link to automatically clone the public repo to the cloudshell_open directory in shell.cloud.google.com

Open this project in Google Cloud Shell



The Bootstrap script is currently written for common linux distributions. It requires the following tools to be installed:

  • GCloud SDK
  • JQ (for JSON queries)
  • Terraform >= 1.0

Install GCloud

Download Terraform

Install jq (most linux distributions come with it already)

sudo apt-get install jq -q -y 

Move Terraform to a PATH usable location, usually like this:

curl https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/$VER/terraform_$VER_linux_amd64.zip --output terraform_$VER_linux_amd64.zip
unzip terraform_$VER_llinux_amd64.zip
sudo cp ./terraform /usr/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/terraform

Cloud Environment

This bootstrap assumes your Google account has Organization Administrator on the target GCP Organization

Some simple gcloud commands to check if you have permissions:

Using an authenticated gcloud sdk environment:

# Prints the active account
gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)"

# What domain and what user?
# or this: EMAIL=$(gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)")

# Get the Org ID for IAM policy query
ORG_ID=$(gcloud organizations list --filter="DISPLAY_NAME:$DOMAIN" --format="value(ID)")

# search for the email in the IAM policy
gcloud organizations get-iam-policy $ORG_ID --filter="bindings.role:roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin" --format="value(bindings.members)" | grep $EMAIL

Using the Bootstrap Script

Please read this warning

This bootstrap script is meant to be run by one elevated user, in one sitting, with the permanent naming convention to be used.

The reason for this are:

  • Permissions for that user are temporary, changing users before the automation takes over operations locks other users out of this process
  • Accomplishing this is one sitting allows all users to contribute to repairing any issues in the environment by contributing code
  • Project_Ids are globally consistent across all of Google Cloud Platform, projects take 7 days to delete and wont release that unique name until fully deleted.


  1. run the following to both authorize and set the bootstrap project
gcloud config set project <project_id>
  1. run the writeids.sh script in this root folder directory to replace/unreplace your organization/billing/folder IDs in all tfvars below in 2-4 as (REPLACE_WITH_BILLING_ID, REPLACE_FOLDER_ID, REPLACE_ORGANIZATION_ID)
replace (fill b=billing, o=organization, f=folder)
./writeids.sh -c fill -b 1111-2222-3333 -o 444455559999 -f 012345678901
with project/billing/organization derived from the current default project
./writeids.sh -c fill -f 012345678901

revert (unfill)
./writeids.sh -c unfill -b 1111-2222-3333 -o 444455559999 -f 012345678901
  1. Update environments/bootstrap/organization-config.auto.tfvars and environments/bootstrap/bootstrap.auto.tfvars with configuration values for your environment.
  2. Update environments/common/common.auto.tfvars with values that will be shared between the non-prod and prod environments.
  3. In the environments/nonprod and environments/prod directories, configure all variable files that end with *.auto.tfvars for configuration of the environments.

Deploying the Landing zone

After all prerequisites are met, from bash - run the bootstrap.sh script in the environments/bootstrap/ folder.

cd environments/bootstrap
./bootstrap.sh run

The script will prompt for the domain and user that will be deploying the bootstrap resources and launch both gcloud and terraform commands


This is not an officially supported Google product.