- boot2docker is a VM to test docker on your local machine
- A docker hub account
- A Digital Ocean account
1: Meed to download both node and mongo to the machine.
docker pull mongo
docker pull node
- cd into repo
- Start a mongo intance
docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo
- Run:(you can name in whatever you want)
docker build -t targun/nmd .
- Connect application to DB
docker run -it --name some-app -P --link some-mongo:mongo -d targun/nmd
Login to Docker Account, click "+ Add Repository", and select automated build. Then select the github repository.
root into your digital ocean machine with:
ssh root@
- Pull all the requirments
docker pull mongo
docker pull node
docker pull targun/nmd
- docker run
- docker start <name || id>
- docker stop <name || id>
- docker ps [-a includes stopped containers]
- docker rm <name || id>
- docker exec -it bash
Test image command:
docker run -p 8080:80 tutum/hello-world